The inevitable transition of seasons

P8280026-Sunday Sunrise in Hampton Beach, NH


Seeing your little one off on the first day of school.

Waving goodbye as your baby heads to college.

Giving your daughter away at her wedding.



Our lives are full of seasons and the small and large In-Between times.

I wrote previously about stubbornly refusing to let go of summer, as though I had control over that:

I. Like. Summer.

{She stamps foot like toddler}

I want my bright and lemonadey, slow and swingy, kayak and paddley season back, and I am going to keep a anchor-like grip on the last green leaf and hold my hot and sandy summer breath until it returns.

Why is it we struggle so to hang onto the old when we really don’t know what next season holds?


As far as my husband and I, we missed the decade long message that we needed to live somewhere warmer, where winter is a mild visitor who knows not to overstay his welcome.

Instead of taking that information and acting on it, we would try to hang onto summer more tightly than a teen holds onto their cell phone.

A question from my life coach a while back really got me thinking.

Joel asked me where I would live if I could live anywhere.

Without hesitation, I answered “Somewhere warmer!”

He replied, “Well, why aren’t you?”

Cue crickets.


The time is finally here.

After months of planning, praying, and plain old hard work, we are on our way to our new home in Tennessee.

It’s been hard to say goodbye to our friends and relatives, and especially our immediate family: my parents, who have lived across the driveway from us for years; my husband’s mom, to whom we are very close; our youngest, who is taking this opportunity to move to Montana; and especially our oldest, her husband, and their adorable four week old daughter.

We started our trip south at the beach yesterday morning because that was the final unchecked item on our Filling Your Bucket List. It was where we would go annually as a family—even when we were the stupidest parents on the planet—and joyfully spend the time relaxing, eating, and playing in the cold Atlantic surf.

Next was a final stop to sprinkle a zillion kisses on dear Natalie, breathe deeply of her baby fresh scent, and gather enough hugs to last until we visit at Christmas.

Last night we arrived in Pennsylvania to spend time with more family, and will head back out soon.

I’d really appreciate your prayers for safe travel, dear friends.


I encourage you to take a look at your life, especially at the transitions where you dig in your heels.

I also recommend reading Jeff Goins’ The In-Between: Embracing the Tension Between Now and the Next Big Thing
to help find fresh perspective and hope.

Remember, too, that you only ever have three choices, what I like to call The Three Door Rule.

Be sure to click through and read that post. It’s full of practical tips to help you cope, especially if you are trying to control something you cannot.


God didn’t give us a spirit that is timid but one that is powerful, loving, and self-controlled.  ~2 Timothy 1:7 


Question: What transition are you struggling with today?


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  1. Oh Kim, I JUST read this from another friend: I can’t control my life into perfection. But I still catch myself trying, especially when things get hectic! But I’ll have to say that I’m getting better at embracing the NOW and being fully present in each moment. The In-Between was helpful with that :)

    I’m still bummed that we’re missing each other, but so excited for your move and for all the things the Lord has in store for you. It will be EXCELLENT!

    Be sure to wave (and tweet) when you cruise past Roanoke :)
    Susan Stilwell recently posted…When We Doubt, guest post by Jamie BrittMy Profile

  2. Safe travels! So exciting to be heading to this next adventure!
    Leah Davidson recently posted…CDF Tennis Tournament 2013 in WilliamsburgMy Profile

  3. I love your description of summer and your refusal to let it go! (I feel the same!)

    I hope your new home is welcoming and wonderful.

    Wow! You’ve moved and you’re still going to attend Allume! Busy girl!

    Deb Weaver
    Deb Weaver recently posted…“Introduction to Allume”My Profile

  4. I am struggling a bit with the transition to fall, and I am also struggling a bit with my second baby transitioning to a toddler. It hasn’t happened quite yet but I can see it coming.
    I wish you all the prayers and support as you make this move to warmer pastures!
    Tamara recently posted…Tell Me Something Good.My Profile

  5. Kim, I’m thinking of you right now with love and prayer as you make this transition. I”m in the middle of my own right now as you know, and we are taking it one day at a time, and one day at a time, it feels management and right – and warmer than New Jersey. Love to you my friend! xxoo
    Ilene recently posted…Jersey Girls Don’t Pump GasMy Profile

  6. You are braver than me, my friend! Prays for safe travels and a smooth transition.

  7. I I can so relate to this one. We have made major moves and have lived in Utah, 2 places in California, Las Vegas, Nevada, Spokane Washington and then back to Utah. The best for warm was California Nevada was just hot and we loved Spokane with it’s seasons; but not long winters.
    It is always hard to move; but the new adventures will bring great blessings into your lives. Enjoy the moments of this season of time.
    Blessings and prayers for you all!

  8. Kim,
    I’ve been praying for you …I’m hoping you are in Tennessee by now and I am praying for your transition.
    Praying God continues to give you and Keith His Peace and Joy.
    Praying for our girl’s transition as a tween and for us…wisdom and patience :)
    Dolly recently posted…On furry joy, and being gratefulMy Profile

  9. Love this post… This is it! Love the statement : The TIME is finally here. I have made it from Manila to California-yipppeeee! I’m glad that some part of the immigration process is over and I’m united with my hubby whom I’m been married for 2 years and 4 months TODAY. :) All is well and God is good…
    Mai Bateson recently posted…3 Ways to Love Your Man When You Don’t Have 3 Minutes to SpareMy Profile


  1. […] new readers—welcome to the Too Darn Happy Cafe!—my hubbie and I finally pulled the trigger on moving from New England to Tennessee about seven months […]

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