Chance the rapids and dance the tide

Holley Gerth has asked us dreamers for a glimpse into our typical day, and how we see God’s hand in the small and ordinary.

Come on in, have some coffee and cookies, and join us!


I tend to put my happy glasses on in the morning and view the world through them most every day, all day.

That probably comes as no surprise to those of you who know me. Plus, my name—Too Darn Happy—is such a dead giveaway.

However, do not think that all is perfectly rosy in my world.

To the contrary.


I struggled with Fear off and on for too long, and still get distracted by it.

These days, what tends to throw me off course is looking at the enormity of the work and distance needed to achieve my dreams and allowing it all to overwhelm me.

I cease to paddle forward, and instead drift to the shoreline and settle there in the muck, becoming a discouraged onlooker rather than an engaged participant.

The river is so long, with twists and turns and wild rapids, too, and my destinations are so far away.

However, my dreams win out, and I push off, continuing my journey forward.


This is especially true of late, and it has much to do with the shift in my morning prayers.

A friend and long time reader—Chelle of Treat Me to a Feast—wrote recently of the Prayer of Jabez, and how she gets it now.

Her post triggered something in my heart and moved me to get reacquainted with the verse.

While I had become aware of the Prayer decades ago, it never registered the source was the Bible.

The simple sentence was presented in a self-help seminar as a positive message I could use to get more of what I wanted in this world:

And Jabez called on the God of Israel saying, “Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!” So God granted him what he requested. ~1 Chronicles 4:10 (NKJV)

Grabbing my old copy of the book, The Prayer of Jabezby Bruce Wilkinson, I dusted it off and began to read.

And read. And highlight. And ponder. And read some more.

Then, like Chelle, I got it. I saw it from a whole new, more powerful perspective, not through my “it’s up to me” glasses of the past, but through the lens of my faith:

To quote Wilkinson:

Instead of standing near the river’s edge, asking for a cup of water to get you through each day, you’ll do something unthinkable—you will take the little prayer with the giant prize and jump into the river! At that moment, you will begin to let the loving currents of God’s grace and power carry you along. God’s great plan for you will surround you and sweep you forward into the profoundly important and satisfying life He has waiting.

When we ask for God’s blessing, we’re not asking for more of what we could get for ourselves. We’re crying out for the wonderful, unlimited goodness that only God has the power to know about or give to us. . .the Jabez blessing focuses on wanting for ourselves nothing more and nothing less than what God wants for us.

It’s not about hanging around on solid ground, ignoring our gifts, being afraid of moving away from our comfortable spot on the bank.

It’s about daring to dream those God-sized dreams and moving forward, understanding we can’t possibly do it by ourselves, and knowing we aren’t alone.


I want to share how much peace this has brought to my days, even as I sometimes think I should be hyperventilating instead.

Instead of writing and working, I recently chose to be a stick-in-the-mud for a couple of days, and was looking at a wreck of epic proportions.

Rather than panicking—yes, unfortunately, that has been a bad habit of mine—I prayed and began to move forward again.

Everything worked out: a guest post I was holding in reserve became my own, the other items got re-scheduled.

Last week, my computer froze and crashed for a good part of the morning.

Then, my large backup hard drive sputtered out a message of its impending death, and stopped working.

Again, I prayed, and was able to more easily and calmly take the long view of my circumstances as nothing more than temporary rough waters.

The Prayer of Jabez has comforted, enlightened, and especially encouraged me in a way that no other prayer has to date, and particularly in a surprisingly different and more meaningful way than when I was reading it years ago.

Lyrics of a favorite song from long ago—The River, by Garth Brooks—come to mind:

So don’t you sit upon the shoreline and say you’re satisfied
Choose to chance the rapids and dare to dance the tide. . .

There’s bound to be rough waters and I know I’ll take some falls
But with the good Lord as my captain I can make it through them all…

So you see, even with happy glasses on, I stumble and fall and have less than stellar days.

And it’s ok.


What does your day look like? Are you doing anything different or daring of late?

Please share in the comments, just love the way we all encourage one another.

A special thanks to Chelle for pointing me back to Jabez!

Be sure to enjoy Garth’s music in the video below, too.

Sharing at NOBH, Soli Deo Gloria, Holley Gerth



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  1. Prayer has impacted my life in a big way. That is, when I am disciplined and obedient enough to do it! then, I ask and receive, and I think, duh! If I only could remember to turn to Him and cry out every time. It gives me a peace that cannot be credited to anything other that God himself. Prayer can take me from a whirlwind of panic to peace in no time flat. I know this, yet sometimes? I refuse to stop and be with Him. Sigh…
    adrienne recently posted…Another Blog Post Bites the DustMy Profile

    • You sound a lot like me! I would let things get in the way of my prayer, and find myself at the end of the day without taking time to be thankful and to lay out my requests. And yes, that peace does transcend all understanding, doesn’t it? I just never got that before, and now I do. Thanks for sharing yourself today.
      I’ll pray for you Adrienne. :-)

  2. Kim, I can’t wait to start Holley’s book! And I love that you pulled out an oldie but goodie. I need to dust off my Prayer of Jabez and put it on the stack. God always points out something new, and it’s just the thing to spur us on toward growth!

    And love the Garth Brooks clip. It’s been a while since we’ve heard from him, hasn’t it?
    Susan Stilwell recently posted…A Monday Pause ~ PassoverMy Profile

    • Holley’s book is great, Susan, and I imagine you will really enjoy it. Just this morning I was reading a chapter about fear—hmmmmm—and she wrote, “Fear is a Chihuahua that sounds like a Doberman. . . He’s all bark and no bite.” Heh. Put my fear right in its proper place-in the dog house, not in my heart. :-)
      Glad you enjoyed a little bit of Garth, too. Always enjoyed his music!

  3. love this. too often my perspective is so skewed and i leave prayer for the last possible option. sigh.
    thanks for the fantastic reminders! have a great week!
    HopeUnbroken recently posted…thank you, SDG!My Profile

    • Why is it that we do that, Steph? My days will go from bad to worse, and then I will slap my forehead and say, “Oh! I should have started with prayer!” ;-0 You are most welcome, and thanks for stopping by here, friend!

  4. Hi Kim, what a wonderful outlook you have. Life has a way of sinking us in the rapids and it is good to focus on the joy-bringers which give us happiness and contentment. Fear is something I struggle with too. In this year of exploring my God-sized dream, God has made me move beyond my comfort zone many times. Writing a blog requires that too! The prayer of Jabez, when practically applied, is a huge step of faith and confidence in God to enlarge our lives beyond our wildest dreams. You have encouraged me to take a closer look! I love the Garth Brooks song and the lines “There’s bound to be rough waters and I know I’ll take some falls, but with the good Lord as my Captain I can make it through them all” could be the story of my life. It is so true and encouraging. Thanks! Over here for the first time from Holley’s page. May you stay blessed as you pursue your dream. :)
    Joy Lenton recently posted…One DayMy Profile

    • Hello, Joy, and welcome to my happy corner of the universe! I am always thrilled to see one of my GSD sisters! You made me smile with your comment about moving out of your comfort zone. We are doing a lot of that, aren’t we? :-O
      Glad you found encouragement here, and blessings to you as well!

  5. So powerful! “It’s not about hanging around on solid ground, ignoring our gifts, being afraid of moving away from our comfortable spot on the bank.
    It’s about daring to dream those God-sized dreams and moving forward, understanding we can’t possibly do it by ourselves, and knowing we aren’t alone.” <—-That is what it's all about right there! Thank you for this.
    Alecia recently posted…Miracle Of The MomentMy Profile

  6. Kim, thank you for this very real piece of your heart and the challenge to move forward in His strength despite setbacks. You challenge me with the way you dare to dream…I can’t wait to see what God is going to do through you! Blessings, sweet sister! :)
    Mel recently posted…My God-Sized Dream: How I LiveMy Profile

    • I look forward to seeing how you use your challenges to move forward with your dream as well, Mel! Thanks and blessings to you!

  7. Wilkerson, though deceased, has a blog that’s updated daily and contains his writings of the past 40 or 50 decades. I remember when he went to NYC, ministered to drug addicts and gang bangers, etc. and then wrote The Cross and the Switchblade…amazing man of God!
    Sandra at Thistle Cove Farm recently posted…Bean and Sausage StewMy Profile

    • I never would have thought of looking for a blog from Wilkerson. Thanks for the heads up, Sandra! I agree wholeheartedly with his belief that we need to meet folks where they are.

  8. I’ve been praying along the lines of that prayer in regards to my ministry. I sometimes feel guilty for praying such an audacious request, but God reminds me He is a powerful and generous God! :) Thanks for reminding us to take big faith risks, Kim.

    • Audacious-now there is a big, bold and beautiful word, Beth! You are welcome, Beth. I am always amazed at how much encouragement we provide and gather from one another in our online communities!

      I am compelled to share a little more for you from Wilkerson: “Is it possible that God wants you to be “selfish” in your prayers? …such a prayer is not the self-centered act it might appear.
      If you’re doing your business God’s way, it’s not only right to ask for more, but He is waiting for you to ask. Your business is the territory God has entrusted to you. He wants you to accept it as a significant opportunity to touch individual lives, the business community, and the larger world for His glory. Asking Him to enlarge that opportunity brings Him only delight.”

  9. Dear Kim,
    What an encouraging post…you really have a gift, and I can relate to that panicky feeling and then I need to pray and remember what Holley said (I think) about how God is even more interested than you are about a dream from Him coming true…Still praying for what you shared on the FB message…anything new…I have about 5 pages done on my soul care manifesto…hugs to you:)
    Dolly recently posted…What is God’s heart toward you?My Profile

    • Hello Dolly, well, hello, Dolly, it’s so nice to have you here. (Sorry-lyrics from the old Louis Armstrong tune are rolling through my head. :-) )
      Thanks for your encouraging words and glad to hear you are making progress on your manifesto!

  10. I firmly believe in prayer – but also meditation. I have to quiet my mind to create the space there for new beliefs and the open mindedness I need to forge ahead despite the fears. Lovely post, Kim!
    ilene recently posted…How to Trash a Vet’s Office in 30 SecondsMy Profile

    • Quiet my mind…That is a real struggle for me, too, sometimes, Ilene. I read recently somewhere (wish I could remember so I could credit them!) that a heart and mind filled with fear have no room for joy. I needed to be reminded of that. :-)
      Glad you stopped by!

  11. Love this! You and Chelle have inspired me to go back and look at the Prayer of Jabez. The funny thing is that my Dad just gave my little girl the children’s book of the Prayer of Jabez this past Saturday. How is that for timing? :-) I too get overwhelmed with all the things on my to do list. I am slowly learning to take one at a time and trust God’s timing. This virus has certainly messed up my schedule and to do list but I am trying to focus on getting better. I have enjoyed sitting here reading posts this morning and doing my Bible study. Hugs to you sweet lady!
    Melissa recently posted…Remember {Five Minute Friday Post}My Profile

    • Hmmm, there are no coincidences in my world, Melissa. :-) I think that’s great your dad just gave that book to your daughter. It holds a wonderful, wonderful message.
      Hope you are getting better. At least it allows you time to “be still”. :-)

  12. I love drawing strength for your words. You have a beautiful gift for encouragement. I love the song by Garth Brooks. I am chancing the rapids my friend and God is blessing me along the way. HUGS!
    Hope Sparrow recently posted…Oil of ConversionMy Profile

    • I don’t know about you, Hope, but my heart just pounds—with excitement and some fear—at the thought of being in the midst of those wild rapids! It is a good place to be with friends, yes?

  13. I’m so happy you closed this post out with the Garth Brooks song. I hadn’t seen that video but I just adore him! Keith and I waited almost a year for good tickets to go see him in Vegas. Just an acoustic guitar, and chair and some subtle lighting. We sat just a few rows back from the stage and before we left, I knew I’d just experienced what will likely be the best concert of my lifetime. Loved every moment of it!
    Fawn Weaver recently posted…Slow Down & Sip a Cup of Tea {Your Marriage Will Thank You}My Profile

    • I continue to laugh at how much alike we are, Fawn! Keith and I saw him years ago. On the Saturday that tickets went on sale (his ONLY concert in New England), 4 or 5 of us commandeered all the phones in our family business, and kept calling until we got through to the ticket agency. We drove about 3 hours to Maine to see him. What a show! I screamed all night like a teenage school girl. 😀

  14. Anna-Marie says:

    You alway have such great advice and uplifting posts, I enjoy reading them. Passing on a blog award to you:)

  15. I always enjoy your posts. You are always uplifting. I like the title of this one. I find that I am still malling around what I really want to do when I grow up. I am getting close to jumping into a mixture of new things to learn and try. I do learn a lot from your posts that gives me food for thought.
    Blessings to you!

    • Awww, you are so sweet, LeAnn! I am happy that you learn lots here that gives you food for thought! Thanks so much for sharing that with me. :-)

  16. First of all, I love your picture. I feel like you would be my friend as I see you laughing with such contagious joy. Secondly, I love the way coming back to a scripture later, all of sudden we see things in a new light. What didn’t click before is alive in our hearts and we are filled with what God wants us to see. Thirdly, I have known fear and doubt, but I know who the victor is, so take a back seat F and D. You need to go back to the Enemy. Finally, I am glad I read your blog today. I was checking out our assignment for tomorrow and there you were. xxoo
    Deborah Bolton recently posted…Alive!My Profile

    • Thanks, Deborah. I wish I could take credit for the photo, but I cannot. I love it though! Yes, sometimes we have to see things more than once to have them sink in. :-) So glad you stopped by and enjoyed some refreshment.

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