Dancing out of your comfort zone

 Earlier this week, I recommended you S-T-R-E-T-C-H your comfort zone, and gave you the benefits of and ideas for doing so.

Some of you found those a bit daunting, and that is ok.

It just means you have found an edge of your comfort zone—hooray!

To further discover areas that need to be broken through, I have another exciting suggestion.


It’s simple, accessible, and inexpensive.

As a matter of fact, this particular activity was two dollars per person.

How’s that for fun, frugal and healthy, too?


We were in Knoxville, TN, for vacation, and were searching for entertainment for the evening.

The six of us wanted something we could do together.

Not like go to a movie together, where we just sit side by side, but really engage in an activity.

We decided to take a Swing Dance lesson!

No, we are not dancers.

Yes, we experienced moments of terror, embarrassment, and lots of laughs as well.

Rock-step on over to the Happy Wives Club to read how we danced past the edges of our comfort zone—and lived to tell about it—by clicking on the link here: Baby, Let’s Dance!

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  1. Kim,

    If I were to announce that I was going to try to go beyond my comfort zone, my friends and family would run in panic! Sure I have a comfort zone, but it is rather large, and going beyond it usually means going (even further) beyond the comfort zones of others.

  2. Kim, this is awesome.
    Love your encouragement and positivity!

    I feel as if we are sitting and having tea over a chat!

    Thank you! Have a blessed weekend.
    Chris recently posted…My Blogoversary Giveaway: A Summer-y Cache of Goodies~Plus an Awesome Book!My Profile

  3. Very encouraging! Love your article! Oftentimes, when I get out of my comfort zone, it really makes me feel great! I have this confidence and happiness within me :)
    Mai Bateson recently posted…6 Ways to Flirt with Your Husband–Right Now!My Profile

  4. I love this! Plus, I think it’s impossible to not feel great when you are dancing!
    Ilene recently posted…If OnlyMy Profile

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