Summer is leaving…Was it something I said?

Fall has officially drifted into New England.


Millions of visitors make the worthwhile journey here to see our brilliant and bejewelled autumnal landscape.

I know it’s beautiful.

But I. Like. Summer.

{She stamps foot like toddler}

I want my bright and lemonadey, slow and swingy, kayak and paddley season back, and I am going to keep a anchor-like grip on the last green leaf and hold my hot and sandy summer breath until it returns.


{Whoosh. She lets out her breath.}

That didn’t and won’t work, so I don’t know why I do it every year, or why any of us brace our doors so firmly against the winds of change.

How about instead we embrace the change of seasons, for its bountiful harvest and crisp bites of opportunity?

If we are so busy hanging on to the old, how can we possibly get a solid grip on the new?

Let’s help each other let go, and instead, choose to cherish each new season.

Question: How are you letting go of a season and what is it you are reaching for instead?

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  1. Kim- you must have been so rude to Summer! She told me that she is taking her lemonade elsewhere.
    In all seriousness- I love what you are saying about moving ahead. It reminds me of the Roman story of Janus, for which January is named after, who was depicted as having two faces. One face looked backward to the past, while the other looked forward to the year ahead.
    (At least the cold of January is not here yet!?)

  2. Hi Kim,

    Always so refreshing to read your blog.

    One of the ladies I had on my podcast a while ago, (so far she’s lost 120 lbs) made a comment that was so insightful: You have to submit to the season God has you in.

    Even though she was going through a real tough time in her life, she realized that the leaves were changing and she couldn’t wait to see the crisp, bright new colors.

    Here’s her story – “The Calm in the Storm”

    • Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Joel. I always enjoy hearing from you, and always get a lot out of your podcasts.


  1. […] from one season to another can have that effect, whether you are moving cross country, becoming a parent, or […]

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