Letting go and hanging on


While journaling the past couple of mornings, the topic of fear kept popping up, and I realized I have written quite a bit about that topic, both lately and over the past couple of years.

It’s not that I see myself as that quivering mass of jello in the back of the fridge, praying no one ever notices me hiding behind the out of date baking soda.

It’s just that I have been working on being more aware of what makes me tick, what moves me forward, and especially what holds me back.

Fear. That’s it. Such a simple word for such a big scary feeling.

It’s something that we all have in common to one degree or another.

Fear is disabling and keeps us from giving wings to the life we desire. It chains us to behaviors, life styles, relationships and jobs that are not healthy for us.

And yet, we remain where we are, stuck, unhappy, unfulfilled and chafing at the bit.

The little shopkeeper in our heads measures out risk on his old-fashioned scales, and shakes his head in an ominous fashion when he places the known on one side and the unknown on the other, and the unknown drops precipitously downward.

What we cannot see is the the little man tips the scales against us by surreptitiously placing  pressure on that side, as he picks up on our fear.

While we recognize that we don’t like who it is or where it is that we are, we have decided it is more painful to change than it is to stay where and as we are.

Let me say that again.

It is more painful to change than to endure the pain of where we are.

What can we do about that?

For any of you who are familiar with my writing, you probably know what is coming next.

Yup. It’s about changing your perspective.

Remember, change your point of view and you will change your life.

Sit down. Make a list of pros and cons. What is it one thing you want to work toward, and what are the pros and cons in regards to making that a goal towards which you strive?

I imagine that you might have a hard time justifying your current situation, and that it just might be fear holding you back.

Take the energy away from the fear and put it towards forward motion by making a list of steps.

Baby steps, baby steps.

Figure out how you can take each one and move forward.

Remember, to quote an old Chinese proverb, a journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.

Remember , too, you are not in this alone. Turn to your family and friends for encouragement. You might be surprised by how much joyful support there is waiting for you.

Our daughters are some of our best cheerleaders. I know, for those of you whose kids are still in those often dark teen years, it doesn’t seem possible that your child can go from arch nemesis to awesome cheerleader in the span of just a few years, but it can and does happen.

Our youngest drew the illustration above for me years ago, and it still hangs on my bulletin board, which I look at daily. It is a reminder of many things, especially of the power of scripture and a timely message. It is also a reminder that when I feel alone in the wilderness, He is there, and I must remain sure of what I hope for, and certain of what I do not see, and that He wants me to lean on Him for hope and help.

If you are looking for role models on walking in faith rather than in fear, go to Hebrews 11. It is filled with glorious reminders of people who did just that.

Face your fear. Make a list. Start your walk forward. Let go of what you don’t want and hold on to God and your faith to help you get where you desire to go, and remember to share with us how you are doing

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  1. Cherie Blessing says:

    Thank you for your wise words. You described my last few months so well–stepping out, trying to think like Abraham, baby steps, trusting that God has the perfect plan for me even if it doesn’t necessarily “make sense”, memorizing “do not fear” verses, leaning on my family and Christian family to help me see clearly when I’m scared to death, and seeing God work mightily on my behalf. Yes, He is faithful. Yes, He is stronger than I can imagine. I can’t wait to see what God will do with us, Kim, and in the meantime, we’ll keep walking . . . . .

    • You are welcome, and amen to your words, Cherie!
      He does work in amazing ways, nudging us, encouraging us, sharpening us. I, too, am excited to see where our roads lead and what He has planned for us.
      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Sometimes we are pushed by circumstances to face those fears we would otherwise avoid. It’s where I find myself, in some ways it’s easier than more purposefully facing them which takes courage and determination. I appreciate your honest look at fears and your encouraging words.

    • Beck, It seems that more and more often I find myself being pushed to face fears. I agree, in a way it’s easier than “choosing” to face them.
      Thanks for sharing.

  3. I was an arch nemesis??? Surely you must be thinking of my sister.

    Love, love love the image of the shopkeeper measuring out risk on his scale. I think of it not necessarily as a balance, but of not taring the scale before the weighing commences; it looks like there’s more to be afraid of than there actually is.

  4. Happy New Year Kim,

    Very insightful words.

    I’m curious as to your thoughts – Is creating a sequential list of steps the only alternative, or is there another, (maybe even more empowering) way to go?

  5. I love this. I have a love-hate relationship with change. It’s inevitable, of course, and it’s almost always scary. but you know what? It’s almost always good, too, which is because we can trust our Creator’s loving, guiding hand to lead us to better things, not worse. Great post. :)

    • I couldn’t have put that better, Amy. I think I am a run right up to it and embrace the living daylights out of change, but…when it comes down the pike there are still too many times I balk or hide…
      Thanks for coming by!


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