Five minute Friday-When seasons change…



Every Friday The Gypsy Mama gives a prompt and you are supposed to write about it in 5 minutes.  Only 5 minutes!  Also, no edits!  Just write.  So here goes . . . 

When seasons change…

When seasons change, we are given a glorious opportunity to experience something new, to revel in everything that is a part of that new time.

Often, however, we choose to grumble, to be angry, to be hurt that this change has been thrust upon us without our consent.

We turn 30, or 40, or 50, and fret that we no longer have the shape we had when we were younger.

Our faces show lines, and-gasp!-wrinkles, and we are horrified at how we look, and wonder if our husbands will still love us.

Rather than being joyful at the possibilities available to us with each age, we look back with regret at the woman we thought was the best we could be.

Delight in each season, and focus on what is most important.

Enjoy your children while they are young, and embrace their energy and curiosity, even if you are still carrying that extra “baby weight”.

Love your teens, especially if you don’t like them all the time, even if you have dark circles under your eyes from lack of sleep and worry.

Like yourself for who you are, for that wise woman you have become, for all that you have accomplished, for all the challenges you have faced, for all the growing you have done, for the aging that has created the fine vintage that you are.

Disclaimer-I took about 15 minutes to write today. Just was really slow coming to me this morning!

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  1. Hey Kim, thanks so much for stopping by! I love your thoughts. They prompt tears as I am constantly wishing my kids were older and knowing I will regret wishing the years away…. How to be happy living in the present, enjoying the NOW, not dreading the future or regretting the past.

  2. "When seasons change, we are given a glorious opportunity to experience something new, to revel in everything that is a part of that new time."

    Oh that I would learn to embrace the new like you do. This post convicted me!

  3. I needed to hear this today! Thanks!

  4. Kim, I love that you said it took you 15 minutes…some seasons are slow, huh? Lovely post–very encouraged by your words to more enthusiastically cherish the season I am in. Thank you.

  5. Ladies, thank you so much for stopping by today. When I prayed this morning, I asked what message God wanted me to share today, what it was that some of us needed to hear today, and what you read was what poured out.

    You have no idea how deeply your comments touched my heart today, especially following my prayers.

    Thank you, thank you!

    Brenda-some seasons are slow-too funny!

  6. It's funny. Some days I go crazy in where I am and I'm actually looking forward to the day when my boys are a little older (no more diapers and wiping bottoms!), but I'm sure there will be plenty of other things I dislike then.
    And yet I also hate change so much! Such a conundrum!


  1. […] sense of feeling less purposeful may be something new to you, because the seasons of your life have changed. Perhaps the youngsters are in school full time, giving you more free […]

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