Saturday Sips: Walking uphill to school both ways

thanks for making me walk uphill


I recently wrote about hardship being the gift that keeps on giving.

One of my lovely readers called it a “most EXCELLENT article”. Thanks, Nan!

If you missed it, be sure to go back and read it because the following links are related to that post.


I’ll bet when you were younger and complaining about how hard your life was, your parents or grandparents would joke about their lives being much harder, and as proof, would offer stories of walking uphill to school both ways, while pulling a younger sibling on a sled, in the snow, even in summer.

It is in honor of further illustrating the value of hardships in life I share the following links which cover the topic from light-hearted to serious perspectives.


Hi Mom, thanks for never taking me to Disney World, via commentator Matt Walsh

7 Highly Effective Ways to Raise Lazy and Entitled Children from writer Jen of Beauty and Bedlam

Ten Ways to Ruin Your Kids Forever, by author Tricia Goyer

At First She Didn’t Succeed, but She Tried and Tried Again (960 Times), via The New York Times

How God used a leaky faucet to fix my attitude  by writer Shaylah Coogan


Question: How have hardships shaped you?

saturday-sips: refreshment for your life

 On Saturdays, I share refreshment and insight for your life.

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  1. How have they shaped me? Here is an illustration of a time I considered very HARD in my life (for a few weeks). When I was in basic training in the Air Force, they re-trained us in how to fold clothes, how our drawer content must look, how our cabinet must have every bottle facing label forward, tallest in the back, shortest in the front, how our clothes hangers must be so-many-spaces apart (I think it was 2 fingers), clothing hung “just so” – or you got written up. That time shaped me to the point that now my food pantry has everything label forward, taller bottles in the back, shorter in the front (ditto my perfume bottles!!). I fold my underwear the exact same way and my drawers reflect what they trained us to do. I iron the way they trained us. My closet reflects the hangers being (relatively) spaced, color-coordinated, dresses here, shirts there, slacks and shirts over there… I was not anal before but because of the United States Air Force, I am very anal in certain areas now, even years later. I guess it isn’t so bad since I can find everything fairly easily but it drives Alpha Hubby nuts sometimes!!
    nan recently posted…Ta Da!!!My Profile

    • Wow, Nan, just wow. I am always amazed at how circumstances reveal new talents and abilities in ourselves. Thanks for sharing! I imagine there are moms plotting to send their children to the Air Force specifically for the organization as they read your comment. :-)

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