A Letter to the God-sized Dreamers



Dear fellow dreamer of dreams, bearer of so much wonderfully amazing possibility,


How are you today?

I mean, really, how are you?

Are you still feeling that stirring in your soul, that pull to step out into your dream?

That same dream that gives you the heebie-jeebies and makes you short of breath when you think about acting on it?

That same dream that you just don’t feel equipped for, and that seems so impossibly out of reach?

And yet. . .

You—and it—just won’t let go.

There is a reason for that, you know.

It’s because we need you and your dream.


You were meant to encourage, lead, help, hope, to mother, direct, gather, to walk along side and lift up, to reach out your heart and hand in love and courage.

You see, your God-size dream was tailor made just for you and no one else.

And do not be put off by the description “God-size”:  A God-sized Dream = A desire in your heart for more of what God has for you.


As Holley Gerth writes about her newly released book, You’re Made for a God-Sized Dream:

As human beings, we were wired by God in a wonderful way for survival. Our bodies automatically tell us, “If there’s a threat, then you should fight it or avoid it.” In most cases, that works really well. But when it comes to God-sized dreams, it’s very different. . . .

I would even take it a step further and say that if you don’t feel any fear at all, then it’s probably not a God-sized dream. Our God is big, wild, and far beyond our understanding and limits. He tells us, “My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways” (Isa. 55:8). That means whenever he asks us to do something, it is almost always out of our comfort zones. . . .

What makes you afraid? I don’t mean the “Eek! A spider!” kind of fear. I mean the idea that pops into your mind that makes your heart start to pound and your skin begin to sweat, and yet you are strangely drawn to it anyway. That just might be your God-sized dream.


Think for a minute about all the people and places from which you draw encouragement.

They all started small. And probably scared.

What if they hadn’t taken steps towards the dream, and fought their way through the inevitable desert times?

I know I would miss all the folks who have been there for me, and I’ll bet you would too.

The moms who have lived through all kinds of parenting struggles who can help you through the tough times.

The big spenders who crashed and now share how to live joyfully and intentionally within your means.

The women who have moved beyond their fears and are living their dreams, ministering to their fellow storytellers and bloggers

There are countless others, both online and off, who no doubt inspire you in small and big ways to move forward towards your dreams.

And you, dear friend, are meant to join them in your own unique way.


But it’s up to you to begin that journey.


To quote Holley again:

Dreaming is risky.

God can do the impossible but I’ve found He hardly ever does it in the way or time we want. And when things don’t go as we planned, well, it hurts.

(But you know what? Regret hurts more.)

And past the hurt of unmet expectations, there comes the joy of the dream becoming reality. We do make it to the Promised Land eventually. And there’s no better place to be than living in (or on the way to) the dream God has for you.


So, it’s your turn now.

There is someone waiting for exactly what you have to offer, and they are so excited to hear from you!


Questions: What step will you take this week towards your dream? Have you been afraid, and have moved forward anyway? Please share, and let’s help and encourage one another!

Remember to pick up Holley’s book too! You’re Made for a God-Sized Dream, and join us at her blog for a Letters to Dreamers Link up!


Sharing at NOBH, Finding Heaven, Holley Gerth


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  1. I always find such comfort at your place, Kim. It’s like a great big, comfy easy chair that rocks me gently and reclines so I can rest in the words you offer up so freely! Thanks for encouraging all of us wandering “Big-Dream” dreamers. Perseverance is key, that’s for sure. And your words, as well as, Holly’s point me to the Dream-Builder, Christ! Thanks so much for the warm “word hug.” :)

    • I just love having you stop by, Beth. I’ve got warm chocolate chip cookies, too! I am so humbled by your words. As a dreamer myself who suffers from bouts of Scaredy Catness, I appreciate your words more than you know. And yes, perseverance is key. Thank you for your virtual hug too! <3

  2. Hi Kim,
    I am so enjoying the God-sized dreaming! I’m trying to figure out what to do next. So many things to do! Praying for clarity and direction today.
    Hugs from VA,
    Susan recently posted…A Stirring of HeartsMy Profile

  3. Thanks for your inspiring post today! It really was like a warm hug:) I am praying to know God’s will for me at this time in my life. I am so blessed to have inspiration flowing into my email inbox, just when I need it. Thank you Kim!
    Hope Sparrow recently posted…I Surrender to Whatever You’re DoingMy Profile

    • I am so glad you found the inspiration and the warm hugs here, Hope. I love how we all are able to encourage one another. Truly, we all have something unique to offer, and we never know who or where our gift will be needed. Just love your transparency in your post today, and that quote from C.S. Lewis was just delicious frosting on the cake!

  4. I think sometimes, for self-protective reasons, we fake ourselves into believing that dreams can only come true, once they have been FULLY projected, played out, and demonstrated on the screen that is our imagination.

    Frankly, I don’t know if God reveals things to people that way, (in their entirety), because if He did, it would remove a key ingredient from the mix: yours and my creativity.
    Joel Boggess recently posted…FYV 191 Can walking away from “church” work be Godly?My Profile

    • Hi Joel,
      Always love seeing you here! I agree-I don’t think he does reveal things in that way. I think it’s more of a “trust me” and “follow” as he gives us a small piece of the big picture, and it’s up to us to start moving. I also think that is just one of the things that holds us back-the not definitively knowing the story start to finish.

  5. Fear, self-doubt, self-sabotage — they all get in my way. That’s why I am so grateful to read this post today, Kim. Our country was founded on a dream – a dream of freedom – it doesn’t get much more God-sized than that. Where would we be without our dreams, even if they are scary.

    • Great point, Connie! Without our freedom, we would be mere cogs in the machine, dull and gray shadows of our amazing selves.
      I love how you have been taking steps towards your dreams. Getting your children’s book funded on Indiegogo-getting more funding than you had asked for? Wow!! There are families just waiting for that delightful book to have a place in their hearts and homes. Blessings to you, my friend. Thanks for coming by!

  6. awesome thoughts. i have no idea what God is wanting to do with my dreams these days–i’m just trying to keep on listening and being open to His leading :-)
    love to you!!!
    HopeUnbroken recently posted…a new nameMy Profile

    • I wonder sometimes now if that is not purposeful to slow us down and quiet our often noisy selves, Steph. Glad you are listening and I look forward to hearing about what you learn! Thank you for stopping by to visit. You are such a blessing to me!

  7. I love that while my dreams always have human limitations, God’s don’t! He can take my limited dreams and turn them into God-sized dreams! Love your blog KIm…found you through the allume site :)

    • Thanks, Celeste, and I’m so glad you stopped to say hi. Love Allume and so grateful to be able to go this year! Yes, it is good to know that nothing is impossible with him!

  8. I love your posts! Always encouraging and thoughful! I love how God pulled all of us together and is using us in so many different ways. Right now I am feeling a little overwhelmed and need to step back for clarity.I want to make sure I am doing what He wants me to do and follow His timing.
    Melissa recently posted…Letting Go and Watching God WorkMy Profile

    • I agree-it is so exciting to see how we all are encouraging one another over on the God-Sized Dream Team, but we do need to be careful to keep everything in perspective. Prayers for you for time to be still and listen. :-)

  9. So encouraging, Kim…I wish I could keep all of these truths fixed on my heart….did you speak yet? I finished a rough draft of my soul care manifesto and still trying to figure out a structure for the e-book before I try to figure out all the technical details :)
    Dolly recently posted…Dear Dreamer: 5 truths to tuck in your heartMy Profile

    • Oh, yes. Me, too, Dolly. That is why I read encouraging blogs every day. I tend to stray into areas that test my soul and spirit.
      Hooray for finishing your rough draft! I look forward to it being completed and making a difference for women.
      I will be speaking in two weeks, on March 19. I have been putting ideas down for the last couple of weeks about what I want to cover, and will begin the writing in the next few days. Thanks for your thoughts!

  10. beautiful – I cannot wait to dig into this book. It’s calling my name! Thank you for sharing
    kelli- AdventurezInChildRearing recently posted…Marriage mattersMy Profile

  11. You are such an encourager, Kim! Thank you for this post!
    Holley Gerth recently posted…Why “I Might Get Hurt” Doesn’t Have to Stop YouMy Profile

    • You are so welcome for the post, Holley, and I am so thankful to be part of your team. What a thrilling ride it’s been!

  12. I read a wonderful quote earlier in the week from a corporate coach who said that we have a choice in life. We can play the game to not lose or we can play the game to win. What a huge difference – right? We can live to mitigate risk fro a place of fear or we can go for the gusto from a place of optimism. I love your wisdom and your reminder that I need to keep going for the gusto.
    ilene recently posted…#unfaithfulMy Profile

    • I am with you, full of gusto girl Ilene! Let’s just keep walking forward, and helping each other up when we fall. Even though you like the Yankees and I’m from a family of Red Sox fans. :-)


  1. […] about daring to dream those God-sized dreams and moving forward, understanding we can’t possibly do it by ourselves, and knowing we […]

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