In grateful remembrance

Normandy Chapel Mosiac ©Kim Hall

June 6, 1944, D-Day, marked the day our military landed on Omaha Beach in Normandy, France, and Operation Overlord began. Thousands of our service persons died in that initial assault and over the course of World War II as we battled against evil.

That willingness to serve to the death is what Memorial Day is about.

While many of us will take the day to get together with friends and family, kick back, relax, and just enjoy ourselves, our service men and women will continue to serve, to be ready to fight and die for our freedom, just as they always have been.

Thank a service person today, and remember them the rest of the year as well. They are what stands in the breach between us and those who wish to do us harm.


John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.  (NIV)


A note about my photo: The ceiling of the chapel at the Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial contains a beautiful mosiac designed by New Yorker Leon Kroll:

Its mosaic ceiling depicts America blessing her sons as they depart by sea and air, and a grateful France bestowing a laurel wreath upon the American dead.


Enjoy this video as well on the true meaning of Memorial Day.


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  1. your dear Hubbie says:

    Thanks for making me cry.

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