Archives for May 2012

The parable of the frugal traveler and the coin operated bathroom

Are you old enough to remember that stores did not always have free public bathrooms? You had to pay to use them, and they didn’t look anywhere near as sleek as this. You have not lived until you and your six siblings who are all under 10 years old are doing the traditional We’ve waited […]

In grateful remembrance

June 6, 1944, D-Day, marked the day our military landed on Omaha Beach in Normandy, France, and Operation Overlord began. Thousands of our service persons died in that initial assault and over the course of World War II as we battled against evil. That willingness to serve to the death is what Memorial Day is […]

5 Tips to Help Your Friend (even if she says she doesn’t need help)

“Hello! How are you?” you ask your friend, and again, she insists on brightly answering “Ok!” while you can see the worn out and tired of worry in her eyes. You know she is not being honest, but in lieu putting her in a headlock until she cries Uncle!, you just don’t know what else […]

If I’m not ok, will you offer me your loaves and fish?

Polite society demands that when we run into a friend, we ask how they are doing. Polite society then requires our friend to respond with a short and sweet, and often untrue, answer. What good does that do any of us? If we are not willing to open up and admit our infallibility to say […]

What if I lose my identity?

Who am I? What is my identity? I can hear the legions of women asking themselves that question as they ponder Lisa-Jo’s weekly prompt over at The Gypsy Mama. I’ll bet that “Mom” tops the list. After all, when you have children, you become a parent. You might still have a job outside the home, […]

The Secret to choosing a Mother’s Day gift that hits the heart

  Tell me if you’ve been here before. You spend a great deal of time, energy, thought, and money to pick out the absolute perfect gift for your mother. Just a note here for husbands: this could equally apply to how you choose the gift for your wife. To keep this simple, however, we will […]

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