Five Minute Friday-Together

“Let’s have a monthly family dinner night gathering!”


I have so many.

And typically they involve quite a few people.

And a scope and size that doesn’t scale most of the time.

But this one did.

I think naming it as a goal and giving it a deadline certainly helped.

So we made plans, followed through and decided to do it again, since it was so much fun.

The weather was forecast to be beautiful, so the girls and I had decided to go for a long walk.

We would leave the two dear hubbies at home to enjoy their manly quiet time together.

Off we drove, chatting away to beat the band.

Ooops. I missed my exit.

We laugh, and we laugh some more because we’re lost.

All the funnier because it’s only ten minutes to our destination. And I’ve been there several times before.

My family has not dubbed me Miss Geography for nothing. :-)

What can I say? My strengths lie in other areas.

We finally hit the park and hit the trail.

Excited conversation, good stories, straying attention and more inadvertent comedy.

Look, there’s turtles!

Wow, I just love this afternoon light, don’t you?

The girls chuckle and share knowing looks of yup, that’s our crazy mom.

We cover almost five miles of life and love and laughter by the time we finish our walk, but are still not out of steam.

And, yes, we missed our exit and got lost again in the midst of our chitchat as we were headed home.


But finding the time to enjoy a slow and easy afternoon together was priceless.


Have you been meaning to get together with family or friends? Take the time today to put something on the calendar and let us know what you’ll be doing!

Sharing at No Ordinary Blog Hop
Image credit-Shannon Kringen via Flickr

Join us over at Lisa-Jo’s place for Five Minute Fridays, where we write without abandon for five brief minutes and then share it with the world. Well, some of us do it in five ten fifteen oh bother. Just come on over and have some fun with us!

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  1. The daily moments of living life together are where we find the most precious moments! Thank you so much for sharing today!

    • You are right about that, Ashley. It is much more about the little, daily moments that add up to priceless treasure for our lives! Thanks for coming by.

  2. Love moments like this. Together is not complicated. Nice picture too.

    • It isn’t complicated, is it Laura? I tend to make plans that get bigger and bigger as I include more people and ideas, but then they fall apart under their own weight. Together is as simple as a cup of coffee with a friend or a walk with a spouse. Thanks for the reminder to keep it simple. :-)

  3. In our over-busy time, this kind of beautiful together pleasure isn’t likely to happen without that intentionality, is it? Yes, so important to set the goal and give it a deadline. Thanks for sharing your fun!

    • Over-busy. I like that word, Sylvia. It is sad that to just enjoy a small slice of “beautiful together” with family or friends we have to schedule it to make it happen. Love that phrase, too.
      Yup-for us, it’s a goal and a deadline to make it happen. Thanks for coming over and sharing!

  4. i love this, and felt like i was right there with you :-)
    fantastic picture! and why do i have a feeling that my kids often think , “yup, that’s our crazy mom”, too??? oh, well. someone has to keep them on their toes, right?
    have a great weekend, kim!

    • Thanks for your kind words, Steph. They mean a lot to me! I wish I had taken that shot. We walk along a trail that borders old canal, and turtles will line up in the warm sun on an exposed log. There will be at least 10 of them, shell to shell, all facing upstream. I just haven’t had my camera when I see them. :-(

      Always happy to welcome another mom into the unofficial offbeat mom club. I can tell you from experience it always has kept the girls on their toes! :-)

  5. “We cover almost five miles of life and love and laughter” – oh I love that so much!

    • Lisa-Jo, Welcome to my happy corner of the world! So glad you stopped by and found some goodness. I especially loved your 5 Minute Friday choice of “together” this week!

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