Big gift in a tiny package

I look back over the rocky chasms and green fields of the past almost 30 years, and zoom in on those beginning months that were shaping me to be a parent.

Yes, we were excited to be having our first, don’t get me wrong.

It’s just, well, I didn’t like being pregnant.

It wasn’t magical like so many women described, with fairy dust and sparkling wands and joyful, light-footed exuberance.

No, it was months of morning sickness with my new best friends Mr. Sal Tine & Miss Ginger Ale, low energy and a much bigger appetite.

The process was a means to an end: that was my thinking in those days.

When our little one decided her time to join us had come-five weeks early-she kept changing the arrival time board, like the airports do in the midst of bad weather.

Flip flip flip flip flip flip flip flip flip went the cards as the arrival time changed by hours and then days.

She surprised us with this week-long tap-dance of yes, here I come, no, I guess not, and why don’t we give it a whirl again tomorrow?

Through those long days of of IV’s, cold stethoscopes and colder ultrasound gel,  I would wonder if I was ready, if I had what it took.

I remember a nurse reassuring me, telling me I was, and I did.

With a simple focus and determination we have now come know, after seven days little Alexis made an arrival so quick she practically beat the doctor to the delivery room.

And then, as I held her, I understood about the gift.

That gift of unconditional love that sneaks up and washes over you like a fire-hose on full blast, leaving you breathless, teary-eyed, and babbling in silly baby talk.

That gift of unconditional love that enables you to forgive so much in spite of behaviors that drive you crazy.

That gift of unconditional love that buoys you through the often dark and stormy times of parenting teens.

That gift of life that makes you a mom.

Every Friday I join Lisa-Jo over at The Gypsy Mama, writing for fun, for joy, for discovery. We just write without worrying if it’s just write or not. Won’t you join us?

Follow the link above to read and be encouraged by what others have to share. We’d love to hear from you as well, so feel free to leave a comment today. Thanks for coming by!

Disclaimer: My writing today was slow and halting and took far longer than expected, much like my daughter’s delivery. :-)

Sharing at No Ordinary Blog Hop

Image credit-Dean White of Enigma Photos

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  1. Ahh, the sweetest gift! Love your words here and the reminder of how precious they are…

  2. Thank you for reminder of God’s perfect gift o motherhood. What a beautiful reflection IV’s and all. Thank you for stopping by my place and sharing. Abundant Blessings to you new friend.

  3. Thank you for the reminder. What a wonderful gift. Lets try to hold on to that gift always.

  4. Powerful reminder of a precious gift!!
    Thank you, Kim! As always, your writing engages the heart!
    Your love for God – and your family – shines! :)

  5. Ahhh, I can so relate to this right now as I’m coming up on the arrival of Baby #3 in just a few short weeks! What an incredible gift the Lord gives us in these tiny little packages!

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