Five Minute Friday-Empty


That word can bring up images of being wrung out and worn out, of having nothing left to give to your family, of gray days and long, dark nights.

How about instead, we view it as an opportunity, of a clear and lovely place, delightfully awaiting the Master’s touch?

We can imagine ourselves and our days as beautiful, empty canvases, and let our to-do lists drift to the floor.

Instead we can start looking with a childlike sense of curiosity and joy-and, yes, possibly even peace-for the work He is doing in our lives, and be responsive to those cues, rather than running ourselves through the wringer day in and day out.

Grab your apron, select your brush and open that big  box of colors with all the abandon and excitement of a kindergartner as you discover and start working on the masterpiece He has in mind for you!

Every Friday I join Lisa-Jo over at The Gypsy Mama for her Five Minute Friday prompts, where ladies from around the world join in writing because we want to, not because we have to. We write for fun, for joy, for discovery. We just write without worrying if it’s just write or not. Won’t you join us?

Follow the link above to read and be encouraged by what others have to share. We’d love to hear from you as well, so feel free to leave a comment today. Thanks for coming by!


Sharing at No Ordinary Blog Hop

Image credit-Cobalt123

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  1. As an artist, this rings so true to my heart. I love how you say get out your apron, select your brush…because I am in the midst of wanting to say yes to God more and be apart of His masterpiece. To see how all that He has brought me thru is a precious painting or work of art that is to be shared with the world. Love your post. I am a new visitor from Gypsy Mama.

    • Welcome, Dionne and thanks for coming by. Have you ever read The Creative Call by Janice Elsheimer? It’s a great read about creative folkss and how important it is to leave the “starving artist” mentality behind. I highly recommend it! Good for you for picking up your brush and moving forward in faith!

  2. I love how your post matches the title of your blog. I mean you take a word that has a negative connotation and spin in a positive way. Great thoughts. Thank you for sharing.

    • I appreciate your kind words, Laura. You have summed me up quite nicely there. :-)
      However, I struggle like everyone else to see the good as opposed to focusing on the bad. I am fortunate to have a dear hubbie who helps me by gently calling me out when I am headed too far south…

  3. Beautiful post, Kim! Thank you!

    Yes, such Paradoxical Promises we find in our Savior:
    We surrender to Christ to experience victory,
    we die to ourselves to live, we empty to ourselves to be filled.

    I wrote a poem a few days ago on this theme of being “empty.”
    I share a few stanzas now:

    “Lord, I empty myself
    That Your Spirit would me fill
    I long to experience You more fully
    I desire to submit to Your will

    I lose myself for You, Lord
    That entirely Yours I may be
    Your voice alone I hear
    Your Face alone I see

    Humble in heart may I be
    An empty vessel fully Thine
    A temple of Your Spirit
    Your instrument Divine

    My life is nothing to me
    If I know not You and Your love
    Fill me then with Your Spirit
    Descending upon me as a Dove”

    God bless you, Kim, and your heart for Him! :)

  4. I’ve been struggling with an “empty space” in my life lately. I’ve known to try and fill it with God and others and that’s what I’ve done. But I like the way you challenge us, Kim, to think of it as an “opportunity.” That word is so full of positive possibilities, isn’t it? Thanks for the inspiring word! :)

    • Beth, I think we are all so much more alike than we realize. There was a survey recently about moms, and the biggest secret they keep is how overwhelmed they are. I think that feeling there is just too much to do actually makes me feel empty sometimes, that I wonder where the meaning is amongst all those annoying to-do’s that endlessly fill my lists. Thanks for sharing and glad you are challenged. It’s how we sharpen one another!

  5. i recently had reason to revisit my myers-briggs personality type. i have a feeling you are the opposite of me in at least two categories. which is why i enjoy reading your stuff :-) where my take on these kinds of words will almost always go down a bit shadowy, melancholy trail, you see the good, the positive, and go from there. don’t get me wrong, i get where you’re going. it just takes me a bit longer :-)
    anyway, good words of encouragement this day.
    have a blessed weekend!

    • Perhaps, too, that is why I enjoy your blog so much, Steph! Please do not think I am all sunshine and light and goodness, as I can go right to deep dark and hopeless in a heartbeat. It is something I have worked for years to cultivate, and still have to climb that mountain every day. So glad you came by. You always have wonderful thoughts to share!

  6. I loved this- “We can imagine ourselves and our days as beautiful, empty canvases, and let our to-do lists drift to the floor.” Beautiful.

  7. Love, love, love this!! Thanks Kim for a great perspective.
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