Five Minute Friday-Tired


Some days my load is so heavy that I have all I can do to keep from going over backwards.

I feel like the little dog in The Grinch Who Stole Christmas as he works mightily to pull all those stolen gifts up that steep mountain.

However, it is no load of gifts that I am pulling. Oh, no.

I have a sleigh full of coulda, woulda, shouldas.

I coulda had a salad instead of lasagna.

I coulda saved that money instead of spending it on that new outfit I just had to have.

I woulda finished college, except I got discouraged and dropped out.

I woulda interviewed for that job, but I figured they wouldn’t have hired me anyway.

I shoulda gone to my Bible study class, but I was feeling tired and worn out.

I shoulda been nicer to my hubbie and kids, but I had just run dry in the compassion department.

Then, always, the loving voice: Goodness gracious, my dear girl, what are you doing?

Why do you insist on piling on all these things that keep you from moving forward?

What use are they to you, other than to tucker you out and make you feel hopeless, helpless and worthless?

Here, let me cut you loose from the chains that hold you prisoner.


{Sound of sleigh crashing pell mell down the mountain}

There. Doesn’t that feel better? Don’t you feel lighter and more energetic and hopeful as you stand up straight and tall?

Take my hand, and remember that in your weakness you are strong, that through Me anything is possible.

Every Friday I join Lisa-Jo over at The Gypsy Mama for her Five Minute Friday prompts. It’s an opportunity for each of us to stop, drop, and write.

Won’t you join us? Follow the link above to read and be encouraged by what others have to share. We’d love to hear from you as well, so feel free to leave a comment today. Thanks for coming by!

Sharing at No Ordinary Blog Hop too.

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  1. THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU for the comment you left at my place. I had read that post at graceful mama…I even HEARD her speak at Relevant, because I was there. God used you in a BIG way to minister to me today. Thank you. I was almost afraid to write that post because I know some people I know will read it….thank you again.


    • You overwhelm me with your thanks, truly. {running for tissues to dab at eyes}.
      I can’t imagine hearing that message live. I would have been bawling like a baby.
      Your post really hit home with me though. Lost in a crowd, not sure how to reach out, and feeling rebuffed sometimes when I do…
      I just keep praying for grace. And to be honest and transparent. Because it really is important to do so.
      Blessings to you as well.

  2. Oh my. Those coulda, woulda, and shoulda’s!!! They kill me every time. They make me tired. I felt the snipping and cutting away. Today, I will live. Live fully – not with coulda, woulda, and shoulda!!! Thank you. Joining in at 5 minutes.

    • Thank you for coming by!
      I heard a presenter talk about “shoulds” a long time ago. She said we can’t allow ourselves or others to “should” on us.
      Sorry for the offbeat humor, but I thought her point was well taken!
      We all must remember to take two scissor handles daily, and snip as needed…


  4. Guilty! I need to cut loose WAAAAAY more often. Thanks for the reminder Kim!

    • Here, let me hand you some virtual chain cutters. Probably regular scissors are just not going to cut it….
      Thanks for stopping by, Matt!

  5. Guilt as charged! I definitely need to cut loose some of my anchors! Thanks for the reminder Kim!!

  6. Hey Honeybuns!
    You know I love you more than life itself and I think you wrote a very relevant piece today, as always. I too, loved the analogy of the Grinchs dog, Max as he is tied to that sleigh pulling it up Mt. Krumpet (before the Grinchs heart grew 2 sizes). Now, having said that, and having listened to the Grinch soundtrack just today, I can’t help but picture that after cutting the load (of the entire Who’s Christmas!) and hearing it “crash pell mell down the mountain” that instead of feeliing any better, all the who’s down in whoville did indeed cry boo hoo hoo hoo! I’m just sayin’….
    Love, your dear hubbie

    • Oh my gosh, you made me laugh out loud. That is one of your gifts which I appreciate so much! I have to admit I never thought of the sleigh crashing into Whoville. In my imagination, it slipped into a crevice, never to reappear!

  7. Happened upon your site. SO glad I found it. What a great (and timely) post. I know those burdensome ‘should haves” all too well!! Thank you for the encouragement! Rather, thanks for giving us back the CORRECT perspective – there are so many of us that think that we are the ones that have to do it all, when in truth, we have to learn to let go (and let God).
    Subscribing to this site!! :-)

    • Colleen, Your words are so sweet-thank you so much. I am so grateful when women find encouragement here. Thanks for your follow, too!

  8. So cute that you husband commented:) Very good read as I have been feeling this a lot myself recently as I try to get my self ready for the holiday festivities. All I see on my calendar is a buch of things I have to get done, or attend and it is draining me. Can you pass me the scissors please:) Thanks for linking up to the NOBH

  9. Here’s the chain cutters Anna-Marie. I find that I need the big tools when it comes to cutting off those chains. :-)
    Thanks so much for stopping by. Really enjoying reading about your family’s adventures on your blog!

  10. Kim, this is a fantastic reminder! I love your blog name so much that even if I’d come to your blog and the page was blank, that would have been enough. But that you had a worthwhile message made it all the more great. Thanks!

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