He’s a keeper

I ask your indulgence today while I celebrate my dear hubbie, as it is his birthday.

We joke about how we would have not given each other the time of day in high school if we knew each other then because he was a party boy and I was a goody two shoes girl.

However, by the time we met a few years later we saw something more in each other, even though all my family saw was one more young man destined to quickly exit through the fast revolving door of my love life, this one just a little different from the rest, being dressed in leather covered jeans, sporting a pierced ear, driving a purple Jeep and  owning a Harley.

He jokes about his family paying me to stay married to him, and that since we keep the contract renewal dates secret, he is always on his best behavior so that he can remain for another year.

Yet, here we are over thirty years later, and I love that he loves me for the real work in process me, that he is willing to converse and listen, that he is a great dad and a friend to our daughters, that he is a follower of Christ, that his sense of humor has kept me laughing for years, that he saw and sees in me what I sometimes don’t see in myself, that he encourages me to grow into my best self, and that he is my absolute best friend forever.

So that’s it. No lessons today on looking for the good, seeing what really is going on inside, and really getting to know someone before we assume they’re too different from us for us to be friends. Just a testimony to my dear hubbie.

Well, except for a rerun of a post I wrote last year about our relationship:


Yet another reason I love my hubbie

This morning over breakfast we were chatting, and the talk turned to the large gathering we are hosting this evening for my mom’s birthday. The conversation went something like this:

Hubbie-Who are you texting? (Did I mention that I stopped mid-breakfast and mid-discussion to send a message to our oldest daughter? I have reached the point where I must take some kind of action on ideas and thoughts as they occur, at the risk of not recollecting them until it is too late, or not at all. And no, generally I don’t indulge in such bad manners. I was guilty of that here, and for that, I apologize.)

Me: Alexis. I asked her to bring her external camera flash tonight. I want to hang our two flashes from the living room beams to see if I can get better light for our photos, since we are having jam night, and will have lots of family and friends here.

Hubbie: Oh. (A short pause here, then he turns on his very sweet smile) Honey, you know that all you have to do is walk into a room, and you light it up.


Just yet another reason he’s a keeper.

Sweet birthday wishes from a daughter: Five lessons I’ve learned from my dad
Sharing today on No Ordinary Blog Hop
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  1. Such a fun, encouraging post!
    Love seeing marriages like this…

  2. I LOVE reading about marriages! And I guess people will just have to allow us all some grace while we brag on our hubbies since my scheduled post tomorrow is about mine as well haha. Sometimes we just have to LOVE ON OUR MEN! God bless you all through the rest of your years, and may there be MANY!

  3. Thanks for coming by, Krista, and for your well wishes. I agree that there are times we just have to love on our men. Otherwise how will other folks know that joyful marriages exist? It doesn’t mean they aren’t work, and that there aren’t difficulties and tough spots. It just means you get through that stuff and concentrate and celebrate the joy. Kudos to you for loving on your man!

  4. Kim,
    I don’t know what I ever did to deserve what God has given me in you and the girls. Thank You God! I am humbled. And thank you Kim for saving me and for renewing the contract every year! You are my Love and my life! It keeps getting better.

    Your Dear Hubbie

  5. I just love it when the “bad” boys turn out to be- oh so good!

  6. Awwww. How sweet. It’s awesome the way you talk about your hubby. I think more marriages would last if we would speak fondly of each other. He’s quite handsome and so sweet with words. I think you better keep him another 30 years!

    Have a Victorious Day!
    Marianne Clements

  7. You are very blessed!

  8. You are both keepers in my opinion. L,K

  9. Alisa Anderson says:

    Awwww…that Keith…he’s sure a keeper…what a sweet comment he made about you 😉 Did I tell you recently that we are going to miss you guys SO much once you’ve moved???? ;-( Thanks for sharing this story! 😉


  1. […] I wrote previously: We joke about how we would have not given each other the time of day in high school if […]

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