Five Minute Friday: On friends

Sunset over Iguazu

© SF Brit at

Friendship is . . .

. . . that overflowing of joy when we gather.

. . . that cool glass of refreshment on a hot summer’s day.

. . . that bracing splash of ice water calling us out when we have hurt another.

. . . that soothing touch of healing when our heart aches.

. . . that vast well of forgiveness when we don’t deserve it.

Friendship is the tumultuous and the peaceful, they joyful and the despairing, the steady and the surprising.

It  is the water of life, and I encourage you to drink deeply.


Every Friday I join Lisa-Jo over at The Gypsy Mama for her Five Minute Friday prompts. It’s an opportunity for each of us to throw caution, grammar and spell check to the wind as we whip through a quick five minutes of a topic, just straight from the heart to the head to the keyboard to you.

My confession today: I wrote beyond my five minutes and edited as well. My apologies!

Join us if you like, even if you are the occasional rule breaker.

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  1. mmm water. Lovely images. :)

  2. Outstanding words on friendship, and incredible picture! I’ve experienced all of those things in my life and I’m so grateful.

  3. Thank you ladies, for stopping by. It is always refreshing and delightful to see what folks have to say.
    Beck-Isn’t that image beautiful? I adore great photography!

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