Need a morale boost? Volunteer!

I’ve previously encouraged folks to step out and volunteer as a means of not only helping others but also of helping ourselves, and you can read about it here, here and here. We have an intrinsic need to reach out, to help, to serve, to better the lives of those around us, in a way that is meaningful to us, that takes advantage of our strengths and resonates soundly with our interests. When we do this, not only do we lift those around us, but we lift ourselves as well.

After all, Mother Theresa wrote:

Let us not be satisfied with just giving money. Money is not enough, and money can be got, but they need your hearts to love them. So, spread your love everywhere you go.

And we are encouraged in the scriptures as well:

Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.  ~1 Peter 4:11

Over at Peta Pixel, Michael Zang highlights the heartwarming story of a photographer who saw a need at shelters for images that connected with potential owners.  She stepped in, started taking photographs that really spoke to people, and consequently raised the adoption rate 100%.

You read that right.


How can your heart not be lifted up by that change?


Once you see the before and after photos, you will see why. After all, what dog lover amongst us can resist a puppy in pearls?

Photographer Helps Save Homeless Dogs Through Better Photography


Find an area that resonates with you, and take action today to become a volunteer. Better yet, find something in which the whole family can be involved, and make helping a tradition in your family.

Here are a few ideas to get you rolling:

  • Helping elderly neighbors with small and large chores.
  • Doing minor home improvement or repair projects.
  • Visiting nursing homes just to listen, read or sing with the residents.
  • Spending time at a food pantry or soup kitchen.
  • Teaching an adult to read or tutoring children
  • Lending your skills to the local 4H or community organization

Please share: What is your favorite volunteer activity, and what about it trips your trigger?

Sharing at SITS Girls for their Fall Back into Blogging event.

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  1. Thanks, Kim, for the good reminder . . . and for the happy memories of past volunteer stints I’ve been able to share with your “too darn happy” self :-)

  2. Thank you, too, Anna! I have so enjoyed volunteering with you! If you are going to be back in the states next year, we have another workcamp scheduled. Take care and blessings!

  3. I agree! I love the quote you used from Mother Theresa…I hadn’t read that one before. Before I had kids I volunteered to be a Big Sister, and really enjoyed it. I keep thinking I would like to get my children involved in some volunteer work, but never know where to start. Your post gives me some great ideas…so thank you!

    Visiting from the SITS sharefest
    Kim recently posted…Halloween Craft – the big BOOMy Profile

    • I’m so glad you found encouragement and ideas here, Kim. Getting kids involved in serving when they are young is such a terrific thing. They tend to have such giving hearts anyway! Thanks for coming over from SITS!

  4. My favorite place to volunteer is in the schools. I was a teacher before becoming a SAHM so I love to put my skills to use and help kids learn. Checking you out from the SITS event.

    • There is something really special about volunteering in the schools, isn’t there Lisa? When my girls were young, I volunteered in the first grade. They are so adorable at that age, especially when they come up to you and tell you how much they love you. :-)
      I imagine both your own children and those you taught in the schools have benefited greatly from your gifts! Thanks for the visit.


  1. […] Volunteering gives a tremendous boost to your spirits and to those whom you serve […]

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