The Weekly Wild Web Roundup

Welcome to the first post of an occasional feature I am introducing: The Weekly Wild Web Roundup, through which I share some of the great reads I find.

My desire is to provide inspiration, hope, encouragement, how-to, or just plain old good-for-the-soul laughter from the information I highlight.


Kara Chupp, of The Chuppies, wrote about vermin. Wait! Stay with me! It’s not what you think. She writes a compelling post about our behavior, and what comes out of the dark interior when we are challenged. If you have ever lost it with your kids or husband, it’s a must read.

A thank you to Only Here, Only Now for tipping me off to this great post!

There are rats in my cellar


Over at The Better Mom, Brooke McGlothlin writes about judging other parents when we don’t even have our own house in order. She shares:

A friend of mine recently shared how her young daughter had hit her younger brother. My friend, a good but normal mom, disciplined her and then said, “We do NOT hit in this house!” Her daughter, a spunky little thing (who happens to be a lot like her mama) put her hands on her hips and replied, “fine, I’ll just hit him outside!

If you have ever found yourself judging the parenting skills of others, or thinking about how to change the behavior or hearts of your kids, read her post.

Flinging Judgements


Morty Lefkoe focuses on re-creating your life, freeing yourself from your limitations, and as he notes on his site, “He is the creator of a series of psychological processes (The Lefkoe Method) that result in profound personal and organizational change, quickly and permanently.”

He wrote about visiting his daughter in Hawaii:

When I watched her skydive from a plane at 14,000 feet I learned a lot about how a father’s fear for his daughter’s safety can hurt her ability to live a passionate life.  I also realized how this is a metaphor for how so many of us live our lives.

Have you ever been afraid for your child, for their choices in school, of their friends, of possible career fields? Ever had your young adult child inform you that you have held them back? Ouch. This is a great read to help get perspective in that area of parenting.

A father’s fear for his daughter


We all suffer when our children experience emotional distress, especially when their peers make fun of them or worse. We would willingly trade places with them just so they didn’t have to feel the pain of being or looking different. Children make judgements based on looks, and even though we as adults know better, we, too, judge ourselves and others in similar ways.

Following is a feel good video, of a young girl born with a cleft palate, fortunate to be paired up with Operation Smile, an “international charity organization healing children’s smiles, making the world a better place.” You can see her inner beauty through her eyes prior to her surgery, and watch what happens when she sees herself afterwards. Oh, and grab a tissue just in case.

Operation Smile Video

Well, that’s it for today, ladies. Have a wonderful day!

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  1. Wow!! Weekly Wild Web Roundup – the name alone sounds fun, Kim!

    Thank you for rounding up this delightful smorgasbord of writing…yes, as a group, the posts inspire, encourage and uplift with laughter!

    Blessings to you for a wonderful day too!

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