7 Day Stamina Challenge: Baring your soul on Day 6

roller ... coaster

Image by fmgbain @ flickr

Here we go again, on the roller coaster of growth and change:

This isn’t bad.

Ok, it’s a little disconcerting.

Oh. My. Gosh. I’M GOING TO DIE!!!

Whew! Guess not.

Let’s do it again!

Chug, chug, chug…Where are we? Oh, yes, Day 6:

Go public – Tell at least two people about your big, hairy, audacious goal, and then ask for their advice; one person will be someone you already know, the other person, a complete stranger. “Excuse me, can I ask you for some advice?” If you don’t have these two conversations, you didn’t pass today’s challenge.

Go public?!?

Yesterday I was a fraidy cat, today I am just reaching for my paper bag to avoid hyperventilating.

Is that a step in the right direction?

Off I went on my latest directive,  pretending to be confident as I headed towards the local library.

The librarians were very sweet, and they weren’t familiar with anything like my idea for the Traditions book.

At first, like most folks, they were at a bit of a loss to recall any traditions other than the standard holiday gatherings. I began to describe some of the activities our family has done over the years, and the wonderful, warm, funny and poignant memories they create. I explained that my goal would be to encourage moms to take action, to bring more traditions  into their families’ lives, to strengthen those bonds between parent and child.

The women smiled and nodded in agreement, and then started to recall some of the things they have done. They shared a story or two, and it was obvious their recollections of past and present traditions brought them joy.

Once I arrived home,  I realized that I had neglected to ask them flat out for advice, but I would say that judging by their response, they thought the book was a good idea.

One down, one to go.

I called my sister Cindy. Not only is she is more in line with my intended audience and shares my love of creating traditions for the family, but she is a great friend and cheerleader, but will also give her real two cents. I explained my idea, and how it aligned with my mission, and asked her what she thought.

The conversation took flight on her end as she joyfully recounted one of her favorite current traditions: Family Pizza night. She said she was just explaining to a coworker how much she looked forward to the end of the week, where she and the family could put up their feet and set down their cares while they shared conversation and laughter as a terrific accompaniment to the spicy Buffalo Chicken pizza.

We batted ideas back and forth of things we’ve done, and the types of stories I planned to include in my book.

She thought it was great and thought I should go for it.

Thanks, Cindy.


What did I takeaway from this challenge?

Be prepared, especially taking care to read all the directions before I head out.

Have an expectation of joy and an attitude of curiosity.

Keep cheerleaders in my corner to help me continue to move forward.

And finally, remember that if an idea gets a flat response, it’s not about me.

Let me repeat that: It’s not about me.

It is just information to help me move towards my goal.

Please share what you are accomplishing and learning from your challenges.

In the meantime, however, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go scare myself silly again.

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