Five minute Friday: In real life

baby splat

Image by theloushe @ flickr


Ahh, In real life.

Every time I hear that phrase I recall three words from a letter our family business received from an upset customer, who was so angry that he wrote, “In rela life”.

Rela life.

Now if that’s not a metaphor for what we experience every day, I don’t know what is.

In rela life, relationships get out of wahck.

In rela life, the important is sometimes switched with the less significant.

In rela life, the message may not be perfectly delivered, but at least the loving intention is understood.

In rela life, the message may be well crafted, but the recipients are suspicious anyway.

Messy. Misspelled. Mixed-up.

But mostly marvelous.

That’s rela life.


Every Friday I join Lisa-Jo over at The Gypsy Mama for her Five Minute Friday prompts. It’s an opportunity for each of us to throw caution, grammar and spell check to the wind as we whip through a quick five minutes of a topic, just straight from the heart to the head to the keyboard to you.

Join us if you like!

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  1. Well hello! I’m getting to meet all kinds of new people (not in real life) through following links at the Gypsy Mama. What fun! I love your post. It reminds me of a friend who likes to say that even though we can do a lot of things digitally, life still happens in analog. And sometimes we wish we could edit it a little bit, but that doesn’t happen. It is a messy, misspelled, mixed-up life. But you are right, it has lots of marvelous. Have a great Friday!!!

    • Carolyn, Thanks for stopping by.
      You wrote: “Life happens in analog. And sometimes we wish we could edit it a bit”. Thanks so much for the morning laugh!

  2. love your post this week! mixed up, confused, messy. . . sounds plenty “rela” to me :-)
    love it here, from the name of the blog to your very happy picture that greets me upon arrival.
    thanks for visiting me today and your words of wisdom. much appreciated.
    happy friday!

    • “Sounds pretty ‘rela’ to me.” Even though that phrase has rolled around in my head for years, it still makes me laugh!
      Thanks for your kind words and for stopping by, and have a wonderful weekend full of blessings and real romance, not the kind found in novels! :)

  3. Great post, and great picture, I think I’ve seen those feet before in my rela life! How perfect that trying to make a point he made it even better, and really undid his point. What is real anyway?!

  4. Aren’t those feet great?! I thought they illustrated real life just beautifully in a lovely, funny way. I just wish I had taken that picture.
    Yeah, we weren’t able to take his letter really seriously, and it became a running joke with us for years when we wanted to jokingly make a point, “Well, you know, Kim, that’s not how it works in rela life…”
    We laughed every time, and I still giggle now.

  5. ‘Messy. Misspelled. Mixed-up.
    But mostly marvelous.
    That’s rela life.’

    i love this. for me, the trick is learning to focus on the marvelous instead of the messy and misspelled and mixed-up. i’m working on just that :) great post!

  6. Yep, here where I am . . . on this day in time, definitely feeling the reality of “rela” life. Thanks for the gently reassuring reminder, Kim!

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