Five Minute Friday-Backwards

Thanks for stopping by and joining in the Friday fun!

Gypsy Mama writes: I remember how powerful the written word is. To encourage, to laugh, to cheer, to pray, to listen, and love. Sometimes all it takes is five minutes.

Five minutes to just write, and not worry if it’s just right or not.

Kind of like how friendship should be.

Got five minutes? Here’s a great way to spend them, and here’s the rules.

1. Write for 5 minutes flat for pure unedited love of the written word.

2. Link back to her site and invite others to join in.

3. Get a little crazy with encouragement for the five minuter who linked up before you.


So, let’s write! Here is my offering today:

Five Minute Friday-Backwards

Self! Self!

My mom tells me that those were words that I used to use when I was a toddler, apparently loudly and often. She would grow frustrated sometimes, not surprisingly, at my insistence on doing everything myself, at the speed and quality of a 3 year old.

I am surprised she and dad never left me behind when they took all seven of us kids shopping.

Wait a minute, there was that time when they inadvertently left without me, they said….

Self! Self!

Why is it I am still crying out those words today as an adult?

Why am I doing my life backwards, and wondering why plans don’t come together the way I want?

Perhaps because when I pray, I talk, and talk, and talk, and ask, but often forget to LISTEN. I know that God is amazing, and if I will just slow down and LISTEN, he will guide me where he wants to take me. He has packed my luggage with incredible gifts, and he wants me to take an amazing journey, but I have to LISTEN to figure out the details.

Perhaps it is time to start moving forwards, in faith, rather than just by myself. After all, as Jeremiah 29:11 states:

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.  (NIV)

I just have to be patient and put my inner toddler into timeout while I take time to just breathe, let go and listen.

*End Time*

-Editorial Note: The beginning of the post is copied from a word doc that I keep handy. As it is just general background and information on Five Minute Fridays, especially for folks who are landing here for the first time, I don’t count it in my five minutes…

If this message really hits you in your heart, I invite you to read these other related posts for inspiration:

Where are you and where are you supposed to be?

Sailing away from the Island of Settle

Where’s my ticket, Lord, and whose luggage is this?

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