Five minute Friday-On forgetting

Every Friday The Gypsy Mama gives a prompt and you are supposed to write about it in 5 minutes.

She writes: “I remember how powerful the written word is. To encourage, to laugh, to cheer, to pray, to listen, and love. Sometimes all it takes is five minutes. Five minutes to just write, and not worry if it’s just right or not.
Kind of like how friendship should be.”


Got five minutes? Join us, and share what you have to say as well, whether in the comments or in your own blog.

Let’s begin!

On forgetting…

The month of May has turned into the month of May-be: May-be the rain will stop, May-be we will have a sunny day again, May-be the difficulties and problems in my life will all magically iron themselves out.

Whatever my circumstances, wherever I am, however, I must not forget that I must, as 2 Corinthians 5:7 tells me, to “live by faith, not by sight”.

God has equipped me in wonderful ways for a marvelous purpose in this life, and much like a saw or a chisel, sometimes I need to be sharpened to be at my best. He will never give me more than I can bear and is always there for me.

It is I who sometimes wanders off the path, and wonders why He has forsaken me, or why He is challenging me so.

Then I remember, that I am the one who left, that I am imperfect, and that I am a work in progress, that I am only human, after all, and sometimes that can be both a painful and wonderfully fruitful process.

I just have to remember to keep the faith.

Morning garden

Just an additional note here: The dark, wet weather of the last couple of weeks has abated for now, so I joyfully took the opportunity to sit on my front steps this morning to pray. I shot the image above of the view from my porch to share with you. I was reminded that without the rain-and the loving, tending hand of my mom-this garden would not be the absolutely gorgeous space that it is.

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  1. The garden is beautiful! Thanks for the reminder to not forget who I am in Christ. Good word!

  2. HI Kim! Thanks so much for your comment, I agree that it is probably often the stress that causes us to forget and I really hope I am at peace enough to remember my wedding whenever i do get married! and I love your post, remembering who we are in Christ is so important! and the garden is BEAUTIFUL!

  3. Oh wow. That garden is SO beautiful. What a glorious reminder of Him who created beauty. Wow. Beautiful. Many blessings to you. 😉

  4. Thanks ladies for your kind words. I will pass on your compliments to my mom. She endured a veritable onslaught of black flies the past couple of weeks to bring the garden to its present state!

  5. Thank you for the wonderful comment on my blog. I really appreciate it.

    We have also had tremendous amounts of rain. What a crazy spring!

  6. Tis a gorgeous garden and a wonderful picture! The book I referenced is called Total Forgiveness and I think there's a link in the post. :)

  7. Wow, beautiful garden! Yes, we are all a work in progress needing to keep the faith.

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