Did she just say what I think I heard?

There is always a lot of laughter in our house, as everyone shares a delightful, often offbeat, sense of humor.I can say that I have my own special kind of contribution, although often unintentional, always spontaneous, that my family has nicknamed “Kimisms”.

You see, once in a while my command of the English language becomes, well, less than commanding, and the unusual mix of words and phrases brings on plenty of laughter.

Allow me to share my latest example with you…

My parents, my husband, my older brother and I were enjoying dinner together this past weekend when the conversation turned to the widely publicized dire prediction that the world would end that very evening.

I asked if anyone had seen our niece’s Facebook post in which Chelsea had commented-tongue firmly in cheek-that she and a friend were going to be getting their hibachi fix before the world ended.

Now, that may seem like a simple statement to repeat, but here is where the conversation quickly went south. I couldn’t pull the word “hibachi” out of my mental file drawer. For some reason, the only word that came up was brazier, which is pretty much the same thing as a hibachi.

What I thought I said was that Chelsea was going to be getting out her brazier for a last barbeque. However, that cooking implement is pronounced “brey zher”, with the emphasis on the first syllable. What actually came out of my mouth was that Chelsea was going to be getting out her “bruh zeer” (emphasis on the last syllable) for a final barbeque. Yes, I said that my niece was going to get out a brassiere to cook her last meal.

Well, you can imagine what ensued: looks of puzzlement, corners of mouths trying to stave off the beginnings of giggles, eyes looking to one another to confirm if they had heard what they think they heard, and then the dam broke. Everyone at the table dissolved into side-splitting, tear-inducing laughter they were so greatly amused. I, too, joined in, once they pointed out to me what I had actually said.

You have to admit, the mental image of grilling over a charcoal filled “bruh zeer” is pretty darn funny.

So, dear readers, I invite you to laugh with-and at-me this morning, and remember to take yourselves lightly today.


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  1. That's hilarious! I can just imagine the family's faces now. Probably something close to the face I made while reading this! Missing you all!

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