It’s Monday-Woohoo!

Hampton Beach Sunrise

I will shout with joy this morning-Woohoo, it’s Monday!

So many possibilities, a fresh new week in which to discover new strengths, acquire deeper wisdom, accomplish written goals, laugh more often and love more deeply.

That’s what Monday and every other day of the week is for.

Every sunrise is a fresh start, an opportunity to begin again, to right wrongs, ask forgiveness and extend grace with faith, moment by moment, to each person you encounter today, especially yourself.

Remember, it’s not about what gets in your way or who gets in your face or under your skin, it’s about how you choose to respond each time that will bring you to a more joyful, satisfying place, where the sky is bluer, air is clearer, and yes, the grass is greener.

Come on in, the water’s fine!

Tell me how you will view your day through a different perspective today.

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