Five minute Friday-Motherhood should come with…

Every Friday The Gypsy Mama gives a prompt and you are supposed to write about it in 5 minutes.  Only 5 minutes!  Also, no edits!  Just write.  So here goes . . .
Red Phone © psd Paul Downey at

Motherhood should come with…

A bright red phone that is a direct line to whomever you need that will answer the questions for wherever you are in your parenting. Questions like, “How do I diaper my baby?” (Yes, I did ask the nurses that question when it was time to take our first daughter home from the hospital.) and “Where is the user manual?” (The nurses said the babies don’t come with one, much to my dismay.)

A support group that is always there, for the changing face of the struggles you will face as a parent, and the joys you just can’t wait to share.

A journal and a great pen. And a teacher to stand over you to make sure you write in it daily, even just a few sentences, because you will forget all those adorable, cute moments, sayings and conversations. You do know you lose brain cells every time you have a child, right?

A great sense of humor for all those times that in the future will be funny, but right now, well, you just can’t see the humor for all the crayon on the walls.

And last, but certainly not least: Love. Oh, it already does. That is the one accessory that is included. Lots and lots of unconditional, amazing deep, powerful love.

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  1. If you find that red phone, please let me know! It conjured up visions of the "Bat symbol" which is what it feels like I see almost immediately if I try to leave for a little while to recharge. Sigh, it is lovely to be loved and needed, though! Thank you for your post. I really enjoyed reading it! Smiles –

  2. sweet post. and as a labor room nurse, i always send my moms on to the next room with a prayer for their future as moms. and the babies, as well. most of them will never know it, but it is my way of starting their journey with a touch of grace.

  3. Yes! The bat-phone! That is exactly what I need!

  4. Amy and Maria-Yes, the phone does remind me of the Bat Symbol and the Bat phone!

    HopeUnbroken-How sweet for the moms that you send them forward with a prayer! A graceful start indeed!

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