Five minute Friday-If I knew I could, I would

Every Friday The Gypsy Mama gives a prompt and you are supposed to write about it in 5 minutes.  Only 5 minutes!  Also, no edits!  Just write.  So here goes . . .

If I knew I could, I would…

I would reach out across the internet and across town, and share what I have learned with women of the world, and would be so excited to learn from them as well.

I would listen with great interest to what they know and where they’ve been, and offer thoughts, information and ideas to get up and out of situations from which they can’t see a way forward, I would connect them with each other so that we could see we have so much in common, and so much to offer one another.

I would send seeds of hope, love and laughter to these women, these wives and moms, and help them find the strengths, talents, and gifts in themselves, their friendships and their marriages. I would help them to see the wonder and joy of finding their faith when they find God.

And I would be so incredibly blessed to be part of this ever-growing, ever-enriching, vibrant group, where we all help each other to grow to be the women we were designed to be.

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  1. 'send seeds of hope'…I love that. Enjoyed your post today, what a sweet heart you have.

  2. This is beautiful, thank you for such a lovely post. You have a beautiful way with words.

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