The view from down here

Ahhh, the view from the top of a mountain on a crystal clear sunny day. The clarity of the landscape, the rich greens of the fields, the deep blues of the lakes. In regards to just taking your breath away, the view has no equal.

Or does it?

I would like to suggest that a view from the opposite perspective can be equally exhilarating, if you are willing to see.

I am talking about when we are brought to our knees, to the familiar floors of our home, when we can no longer bear the burdens of life by ourselves, because it all becomes too much too carry. We find ourselves huddled against the world with our broken spirits and broken hearts, crying out for help, as we crunch up against dropped Cheerios, stick to a lost Gummy bear, and sense the army of dust bunnies that settles around our aching form.

When we are brought to our knees, we are forced to make a closer examination of ourselves. Just as we can see all the little goodies we missed during our housekeeping chores, we are closer and more open to acknowledging the behaviors-often embarrassing to admit-that were part of what led us here. Pride. Independence. Anger. Fear. And so much more.

Where’s the exhilaration in that?

Well. Wait a moment. Here it comes, with a very loud CLICK. The light comes on, brilliant and bright, practically blinding us with its ability to clarify and define. We realize that we have been trying to live up to an unattainable standard, we’ve been pretending we’re Superwoman, or we’ve just been behaving badly. At that moment, while we are sitting there at rock bottom, we get it.

We realize that we need to truly let go. And let God.

And that my friends, is as exhilarating as it gets. You are keenly aware in that moment you are not alone. You may have thought He doesn’t even know you, or that He has walked away from you. He does know you, He’s not mad at you and He hasn’t walked away. He is there, patient and forgiving, and full of grace, reaching out His hand to you, to help you onward and upward.

Take His hand, and allow Him to lead. The view from there is magnificent.

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  1. […] debris that collects under our dining room tables? I am reminded of the view from down there, when we are brought to our knees, to the familiar floors of our home, when we can no longer bear […]

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