Five minute Friday-If you met me….


The Gypsy Mama and her Five Minute Friday challenge:

Every Friday The Gypsy Mama gives a prompt and you are supposed to write about it in 5 minutes.  Only 5 minutes!  Also, no edits!  Just write.  So here goes . . .

If you met me….
I’d try to be on my best behavior, to listen well, and to learn all about you, as I know you have amazing stories to tell and words of wisdom to share.

I’d ask for your forgiveness if I talked too much, as sometimes I can be like a burbling brook that jut overflows its banks.

We’d find things in common, I am sure, and if I found that you loved M&M;’s as I do, I would offer you some. If I hadn’t already exhausted the bag in my cabinet.

You’d find that I am part of a whole, large, loving, boisterous family, and that without them, I would not be what I am today. You would learn that I am so proud of the 53 (yes-53-not a typo!) of us that comprise both sides of our immediate family, and that I learn so much every day from each and every one of them.

You’d wonder at some of the things I say, as I do tend to mix up words in strange ways.

All that aside, though, I have no doubt that we would share more in common than we might realize, and we would share some laughs, some sorrows and some triumphs. And if at all possible, some yummy chocolate too.

Family portrait: Be yourself…    © K. Hall
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  1. Oh my goodness! Love that picture! :) So fun!!

  2. Thanks! Nothing like a bit of silliness to break the ice in front of the camera!

  3. Kim, this really gives a great picture of who you are. I'd love to meet you!

  4. Well, Gaby, it would probably be a lot like our photos. Offbeat, lots of laughter, include much at myself. And probably lots of food too. Including chocolate.

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