Five minute Friday-On waking up

The Gypsy Mama and her Five Minute Friday challenge:

Every Friday The Gypsy Mama gives a prompt and you are supposed to write about it in 5 minutes.  Only 5 minutes!  Also, no edits!  Just write.  So here goes . . .

I love early mornings. I love awakening to a new day, that fresh start, that curiosity and excitement of wondering what the day will hold, of doors opening and closing, of hurts and happiness, of sin and forgiveness.

But most of all, I love the way the day tiptoes quietly into my room, much like our daughters when they were toddlers, gently poking at me, and whispering, “Are you awake yet?” “Are you ready to get up and play?”

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  1. Beautiful! I love these playful words and wish that I could learn to embrace the day like you :)

  2. Thanks Heather. I have never been a night owl, and friends and coworkers look at me in shock and pity when I say I get up at 4:30am with my husband every day. I guess everyone operates where they do their best, whether getting up before dawn, or going to bed after midnight.

  3. what a great way to think of a new day! "are you ready to get up and play?" i am going to try and remember that and greet the day with enthusiasm and curiosity. thanks for the fresh perspective!

  4. Thanks for the kinds words, SVT. I attended a seminar a long time ago, and the gentleman said, "Change your point of view, change your life." Those words have stayed with me for years, and have often been an important reminder that often all I need is a change of perspective.

  5. i am a night owl. early mornings are tough for me, but i'm beginning to appreciate the quiet as the sun peeks through those black skies. love the metaphor in this post!

  6. I love the images you use and I love your attitude at starting the day. Like you I am a morning person so the morning tiptoing into my room is a welcome sight.

  7. Thanks, Gaby. There are days, though when it roars in like a freight train, making me leap out of bed in a great, frazzled, frantic state. Not a pretty sight, nor a welcome start!

  8. i usually used that time when you and dad were asleep to sneak into the kitchen and eat brown sugar straight from the canister, THEN come in and see if you were up. i think i like your version better, though.

  9. I loved this except I'm so confused by the idea of a toddler TIPTOEING! My sounds like an elephant…

  10. I can feel your joy of the start of your day! Could you send some my way :) I am a night owl, not a morning person. No matter how much I want to wake with joy, I wake wanting to snuggle back into the warm covers :) Great post. Happy to have found your blog!

    Please feel free to stop by: Trailing After God

  11. Adelle: Toddlers sounding like elephants, lol! Perhaps they did sound like that, and my memory is just not what it used to be!

    Sweet daughter Alexis: Ohhhh, so THAT explains a lot, ha ha. I wonder how you were able to come to our bedside so quietly after being jacked up on straight sugar?!

    Mel-Thanks! Although I do wake with joy, there are days that the covers feel mighty good…!

  12. What a beautiful image of days tip-toeing into your room.

  13. This is fun! Love it!

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