The power of words

Word cloud created by Wordle
The awesome power of the handwritten word seems to be in direct contradiction with its often plain and homespun appearance. It can reach deep into our hearts to bring forth joy, laughter, hope and love. A wrinkled, grubby scrap of paper, inscribed with our child’s first handwritten words fills our heart to bursting with pride. A message of appreciation from our boss, jotted on a sticky note and tacked to our desk, reminds us that what we do matters. Short and sweet words of encouragement tucked into a family member’s lunchbox delights and uplifts in mid-day.
Do not underestimate the power of the handwritten word to touch someone now, and then much later, reach across time and take your breath away.
Many years ago, my hubbie decided to write a letter to his dad, Marshall, for Father’s Day. We had become parents of a premature baby girl in January of that year, and had gained a new perspective and much greater respect for our parents. (Funny how that works…) Keith put his blue pen to an unadorned piece of lined notebook paper, and poured out a simple message of love and gratitude to his very straightforward, what-you-see-is-what-you-get, old school dad.
I don’t remember Keith writing or giving this present, nor do I recall Marshall’s reaction. What I do know now, however, is this: Keith’s dad carefully folded up that note, and carried it with him, in his wallet, for the twelve remaining years of his life. We possess this gift now, as Keith’s mom gave it to us, in all its mildly tattered and much-loved condition. I came across it yesterday as we were organizing and repacking some of our stuff, and tears suddenly welled up, as I was struck by how much it meant to my father-in-law.
How incredibly grateful I am that Keith was able to let his dad know what he meant to him, and how deeply touched we both were, so many years later, when we learned how much Marshall treasured that priceless gift.
What message do you need to share with someone in your life? A note of thanks, support, humor or love? Grab a pen and some paper, and write it today.
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