Welcome Spring!

Spring has arrived! Warm sunshine. Green grass. Crocuses. Gentle breezes. Soft earth that yields to the weight of bare feet.

But wait.

God is not quite done with winter. He still has some batter in the bottom of his great mixing bowl that he scrapes out and drops down upon the New England landscape. More cold. Snow. Lots of slush. Biting winds. Oh, and here’s some overnight temperatures that freeze the ground again.
My attitude needs some adjusting in regards to the combination these season-ings, as I am just not really enjoying the melding of the two. It’s like I had my heart set on chocolate, and I bit into anchovies. Ewww.

What does it all actually look like?

Well….We have side roads like this.

 And they change to this.

And downtowns like this. At noon.
When the spring sun is supposed to be shining.

And this poor guy. Standing out in the fresh air, thinking the corner has been turned, really looking forward to contentedly chewing on some of that tender new growth, only to get right in the middle of the seasonal mix-up, wondering to himself what the heck happened…

I would say he is blue at the prospect of missing his spring salad mix…

How are you handling your seasons of change?


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  1. That looks awful! I guess spring isn't coming for you guys until April.. or maybe May. Yikes!

  2. Gotta love NH…just not the weather! Love the writing!

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