The gift that fits for Father’s Day

Father’s Day is right around the corner, so show you care: buy, buy, buy! The bigger and more expensive the gift, the better you look. Oops, I mean the more appreciative the recipient will be. I don’t know about you, but I grow so weary of the messages about spending a lot and buying big […]

Dancing out of your comfort zone

 Earlier this week, I recommended you S-T-R-E-T-C-H your comfort zone, and gave you the benefits of and ideas for doing so. Some of you found those a bit daunting, and that is ok. It just means you have found an edge of your comfort zone—hooray! To further discover areas that need to be broken through, […]

The importance of stretching your comfort zone

Do you remember the anxiety of learning to drive? There was that sheer terror of keeping your eyes on a million things at once, knowing if you lost focus for a nanosecond, you’d cause the biggest accident on the planet ever. When you hop in your car now, do any of your early concerns even […]

Exclamation Mark Living

Did you realize she was missing? Have you gone looking for her, or did you assume it was a pointless search? I’ll let you in on a secret: She is closer than you realize. You know who I am talking about, don’t you? You. Specifically, your radiantly vivid, brilliant, technicolor, splendiforous self. She is waiting patiently […]

Take this leap and change your life!

You whip your car into a parking place, rushing again to get to work on time. As you come to a hard stop, your purse tumbles off the seat, its contents disappearing underneath the empty fast-food bags and other clutter on the  floor. A strangled sigh of frustration escapes your lips, and tears prick at […]

Richly colored silver linings

Did you know sunny days are not your best friend for taking pictures? It is the cloudy and sometimes even rainy days that bring out the most amazingly saturated hues in the landscape. As a photographer I especially love this weather, as it makes my photos just POP with lush greens, brilliant blues, and deep reds. […]

Pay it forward by pouring it on

  Did you ever play with binoculars as a kid? I did, and as I would sweep the rural landscape, I was always amazed at how big and close things became. However, turning the binocs around and looking through the opposite end was a real eye-opener as well. My focus became very small, and details […]

Fear, failure, and (almost) falling overboard:
7 Life lessons from a sailing mishap

Before I was married, one of the many young men I dated was a radio disk jockey. Just a word to the wise, moms: If your daughter wants to date a dj, just say NO. I was a dj, too, so I got to know many of them. Let’s just leave it that they are […]

Bear-ly fearless

 Fear. We talk about it quite a bit, don’t we, my friends? We can be afraid of so much, and yet when we face it head on, we find it is often just smoke and mirrors, an itty-bitty Chihuahua whose bark is artificially amplified from behind the curtain. Today I am sharing a story I wrote […]

A cure for cabin fever

What season is it in your part of the world? Here in the Northeast U.S., we are coming to the end of winter, thankfully! Similar to a BMW, we can go from slightly above zero to sixty not in a minute, but definitely over the course of a day. The morning can dawn below freezing, […]

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