Archives for July 2014

Leave them better than you found them

    I had A Moment yesterday. You know, one those times when someone shares a bit of insight that absolutely rocks you back on your heels. Mine came as I was listening to our pastor preaching on the mystery of marriage. He shared about a bit of advice he received when he introduced his (hopefully) future […]

When Stubborn Pride is Pulling Your Strings

I am well acquainted with Stubborn Pride. I have listened to that wheedling, guilt-inducing voice too many times in my life, and it has never ended well. As a matter of fact, I learned some time ago that when I am really struggling with fear of failure, I can find it lurking nearby, working my emotional […]

You are NOT the target

  Wouldn’t it be great if cranky, grumpy, hot-tempered people took an extended, nay, permanent, vacation far, far, away? Ahhh, such a sweet dream. In the real world, though, there are crabby people who will launch their slings and arrows your way with hardly a thought. You get to choose how to respond, and I […]

Saturday Sips: Encourage the dreamers

    I recently wrote about giving your children the freedom to dream and shared an interview I had done with a young man who wished to become a Navy SEAL. Being a parent of any child is difficult, especially when they choose a goal that is challenging, takes a great deal of courage, and […]

Freedom to dream

 The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.  ~Eleanor Roosevelt   As parents, we give freedom to our children in ever increasing amounts, moving the safety rails farther back as time moves forward. One day, those rails disappear, and our sweet little babes will advance into adulthood. Hopefully, we will […]

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