Archives for July 2012

10 Lessons from being wrecked

  “Just a broken foot and two cracked ribs? That’s it?”   I can remember quizzing the ER doctor following his diagnosis and instructions and feeling pretty darn lucky. Well, foolish, too, because if I hadn’t applied that imaginary brake in the front passenger seat when that driver crashed into us head on, I would […]

Hearts and homes made new

You just had the MOST. AMAZING. EXPERIENCE. EVER. And you just can’t wait to tell your friends and family about it, because you know they will want to join you next time, once they hear how AWESOME it was. As you enthusiastically explain, they look at you as though you are crazy, that there can’t […]

An important lesson from a toe-curling adventure

 I could tell you our lives have been in minor upheaval for months and we are just beginning to see normal again. You might nod your head in understanding, as you’ve been through those seasons, too, where routines just fall by the wayside. As a consequence, we often find ourselves dealing with something more time-consuming after […]

When there’s a fork in the road, eat croissants

    Don’t you just delight in the sweet, sweet taste of summer family vacations, where joy and laughter are generously slathered over every moment of the day and sprinkled with children playing happily together, their delightful voices adding perfectly delectable notes to each and every deeply satisfying day? What’s that? Are you saying that […]

“I saw the lake first!”
and other treasured family traditions

“I see the lake, I see the lake!” Every year, my six siblings and I would crowd and elbow one another as we jockeyed for the coveted spot in the Volkswagon bus so we would be the first to see Shadow Lake as we drove the final stretch of narrow, winding road to my grandparent’s summer […]

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