Archives for July 2009

Happy, happy, joy, joy

I love being married. My hubbie is my bff, and I adore him. We consider ourselves so blessed to have joy and laughter overflowing in our lives, connecting us with our family, friends and our faith. That is not to say that everything is easy-breezy, hunky-dory every day. We have challenges that arise, emergencies to […]

Blindness and perspectives

  Although the week-long workcamp we just completed involved a tremendous amount of hard work, we looked forward to the evening programs with anticipation, as they provided an opportunity for fun, fellowship, and food for thought, as well as a joyful boost of energy at the end of the day. One night, our ebullient MC, […]

More on Volunteering

My hubbie and I volunteer through our church with a variety of ministries. We have worked with our Food Pantry, which served over 3,500 meals last quarter alone in our small community. We both belong to a group that works on small home projects for folks who are unable to do these things for themselves. […]

Go ahead and volunteer!

In these difficult economic times, it can be so easy to feel sorry for yourself. The threat of unemployment, the discouragement of not being able to find a job, the increasing gulf between your wages and your bills, or a general concern regarding how much more belt-tightening you can do can take a toll on […]

Happy Independence Day!

The National Memorial Arch at Valley Forge, PA Photo by Kim Hall The United States Memorial Arch, located at the intersection of Outerline Drive and Gulph Road, was erected to commemorate the arrival of General George Washington and his Continental Army into Valley Forge. Quoted from the National Park Service I took advantage of an […]

Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!

Ok, I was kidding about the lions and tigers. But, you know, apparently, word has gotten around these parts about just how yummy the bird seed is at that new place on the corner of Deck and Garden. Real. Yummy. What are you looking at? Haven’t you ever heard the expression “hungry as a bear”? […]

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