Debt freedom can make you complacent


debt freedom can make you complacent


Do you remember how it feels to decide unequivocally it is time for a big change in your life?

You have had enough of the old you, so you gather your resources and information to help you succeed.

And you start rocking the new goal.

Your motivation is so strong that nothing can stand in your way!


Then, because you have worked so hard, so long, and have come so far, you begin to ease up the throttle just a little.

And you begin to coast.

Not too much, just a bit here and there.

Maybe it’s about having an extra dessert, skipping a workout, or buying something not in the budget.


Here’s the problem:

If you don’t gain control of this behavior early on, you will slip into complacency.

Not that I’ve ever had that happen to me. . .

And that, my friends, means you may lose all the hard-won ground you have traveled.


I’d love to have you join me at Engaged Marriage, where I’m sharing a story of a young couple who discovered debt freedom can make you complacent, as well as suggestions for moving forward again if you find yourself stalled in that same place.



“I feel so stupid. What we were thinking? We are so much smarter than this.”

These comments came out of a past conversation with a Financial Peace University graduate.

The couple, with college degrees, student loans, and decent jobs, had taken the baby steps to heart and began to budget their way to debt freedom.

In spite of continued pressure from their friends and family, they remained intrepid apartment dwellers, patiently waiting and building towards a brighter future.

They got debt-free, and when they felt ready, and after much searching and consideration, they bought a house.

Much later they began to panic, as they realized they weren’t ready financially for the true cost of owning the home they chose.

What happened?


Click here to read the rest at Engaged Marriage.

Please come on over and share your thoughts, too!


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