Go ahead and make my day: Ask for help!

Quick! Have you pinned the latest, coolest decorating ideas on Pinterest, bought the ingredients for the most fabulous cookie swap, and bookmarked multiple sites on how to be the most awesome hostess ever? Whoa! Bring that wild ride to a slow stop, and take a few breaths. There’s a good possibility you are trying to […]

5 Tips to Help Your Friend (even if she says she doesn’t need help)

“Hello! How are you?” you ask your friend, and again, she insists on brightly answering “Ok!” while you can see the worn out and tired of worry in her eyes. You know she is not being honest, but in lieu putting her in a headlock until she cries Uncle!, you just don’t know what else […]

Moms-Ask for help!

There is something very ironic about this morning as I write this post while simultaneously printing out a twenty-five day project list for being organized throughout the Christmas season. Oh, and did I say that my gifts aren’t wrapped, I have come down with a cold, family has started to arrive for the holiday (hooray!), […]

Five Minute Friday-Relevant

  I ask in my prayers to be led, to see a need and fill it, to lend a hand, offer some hope, to help light the way. What happens is that I see analogies, metaphors and similes everywhere. They wag at me, like friendly pups, from the pages of books and magazines. Like an […]

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