Five minute Friday-A few of my favorite things

  The Gypsy Mama and her Five Minute Friday challenge: Every Friday The Gypsy Mama gives a prompt and you are supposed to write about it in 5 minutes.  Only 5 minutes!  Also, no edits!  Just write.  So here goes . . . A few of my favorite things. So much comes to mind, but […]

Willing to Change

I attended a seminar years ago, and the instructor said something that has stayed with me. It was so simple, yet so profound. He said, “Change your point of view and you will change your life.” I have been blessed to apply this straightforward axiom to my life, and to ultimately enjoy and embrace change. […]

Somewhere over the train wreck

When I was a youngster, my dad played the guitar and banjo, and was sometimes joined by a friend who played as well. I always enjoyed listening to them, and was inspired enough to pick up the guitar. Occasionally, when I was a bit older, I would even sing out at public venues with a […]

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