How to make better decisions using Walk Away Shoes

how to make better decisions using your Walk Away Shoes

We’ve all made decisions we’ve regretted.

Just look at the clothes and hairstyles we thought were the most amazing ever for our senior high school portraits.

While we can’t go back in time and make a different choice, we can learn how to make better decisions for our future.


Going through Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University and working our way to debt freedom taught my husband and I some important lessons.

The one that really stayed with us is the reminder to always be wearing our Walk Away Shoes.

These shoes give us the power to make better decisions by tapping into the excitement of achieving our goals.

If you’d like to learn how to create your own Walk Away Shoes and discover ten occasions to wear them, join me at Engaged Marriage:

10 Occasions to wear your Walk Away Shoes


I’d love to see you. Come on over and join the conversation!


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Original image credit: Pink Sherbet Photography

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  1. […] Most importantly, we agreed we would NOT become emotionally attached to house prior to purchase: We would keep our Walk Away Shoes on throughout. […]