Your OneWord is calling-Time to answer!


 Did you play Marco Polo when you were little?

I remember being blindfolded in the pool—who thought that was a good idea?—calling out “Marco!” and my brothers and sisters would swim all over the pool, laughing in answer “Polo!”

My joy would give way quickly to frustration as my siblings continually eluded me.

I always felt foolish and incompetent, as I was the second oldest of seven, and actually don’t ever remember tagging anyone before I would tear off the blindfold and give up.

It’s probably why I have a lifelong aversion to any kind of sports.

Well, that plus getting hit in the nose with a softball by my brother early on. . .

Fast forward to my adulthood, and I came to the realization, much to my dismay, that I have had that same visceral aversion to goals that call my name.

I have been known to get so flat out frozen with fear that I burrow under my bedcovers like a frightened puppy during a thunderstorm.

No, I’m not proud of that, but you need to know that you are not alone with your doubts and fears, regardless of how well it looks like every other mom is holding it together.


Last year I heard about this cool motivational tool: OneWord365

Their website describes it thusly:

Forget New Year’s Resolutions. Scrap that long list of goals you won’t remember three weeks from now anyway. Choose just one word.

One word that sums up who you want to be or how you want to live. One word that you can focus on every day, all year long.

It will take intentionality and commitment, but if you let it, your word will shape you and your year. It will guide your decisions and help you grow.

Discover the big impact one word can make.

One word. 

365 days. 

A changed life.

Since the idea did not turn me into a quivering pile of Jello, but instead appealed to me as a simple, doable, action step, I jumped right in.

As I wrote last year:

I figured I would spend some time thinking about it, praying on it, looking for it, and then-whoosh!-it would wing quietly and powerfully into my life, with all the presence and majesty of a Great White Owl.

Instead, an ordinary, overall-clad Mr. Follow just wandered almost immediately and casually into my kitchen, stuck out his hand, and said, “I’m here because you called. I may not be what you were expecting, but I am what you need.”

Oh, great. He’s right about that.

Follow was not what I was expecting for my One Word. Something grander, bigger, flashier.

Something easier.


Although 2012 was interesting, it was also a struggle.

I was so very right about Following not being easy. I have had to learn to be more obedient, to let go of pride, to follow where I am led, even though I often can’t see around the bend in the road.

Follow was definitely the word I needed as an overarching goal for the year, and I grew in response.

This year I was ready and excited when it came time to discover my OneWord.

Again, I prayed, I read, I journaled.

Words began to appear. A few looked pretty good, but I got that same feeling you get standing in the dressing room in those pants that you really want, but you can see that the fit just isn’t there, no matter what angle you view them from, or how many different poses you strike.

Then—WHAM!—a word called to me more loudly than the Prince calling out to his fleeing Cinderella.

Commit, Kim.



Time to answer that sweet summons with a full-throated song of joy.

So, this is the year of committing to baby steps towards my God-sized dreams.

And just getting back up more times than I fall down, just like our toddlers do.

Every day this past week I have made forward motion. I also tickled pink to have a new and joyful buddy in the process from my GSD team—Melissa—with whom to share encouragement. After all, we are not meant to go this journey alone. Be sure to hop on over to her place to say hi for a big serving of her sweet southern hospitality!

How about you?

What steps are you ready to take this year In response to the call of your God-sized dreams? Join us at Holley Gerth’s place on Tuesdays for help, hope and encouragement. 

Sharing at NOBH, Finding Heaven, Holley Gerth

By the way, if you choose a OneWord, Melanie at Only a Breath has graciously offered to make you a button for free! She made mine, and I just love it.

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photo by: Remco Douma


  1. Good for you, Kim. OneWord365 is such a great emphasis. I love the community there. I’ve got my word, so hopefully I can get around to joining soon!
    Susan recently posted…A Monday Pause ~ SpiritMy Profile

    • Thanks, Susan. I look forward to seeing your word this year! Does it have any relationship to your dream of traveling and writing?

  2. Love reading your posts and thrilled to be your buddy! :-)

  3. You know how much I love your word. Even though I have mine, (fire), I will be borrowing yours a ton!
    ilene recently posted…It’s ComplicatedMy Profile

    • Borrow away, Ilene! I love your word as well. Fire: It speaks of so many possibilities, of lighting up the sky with your passion, of embers keeping the heat on to continue with your journey and dreams.

  4. Kim, you encourage me so much right now. . .I so understand this . . . My word this year is “together” . . .as He reminds me these dreams He has put on my heart are possible, with Him. I love how that takes the pressure off. I love your word, and how I know He is going to show up, just like He loves to do, and rejoice in the journey with you. Love to you today, friend.
    Jennifer recently posted…When you struggle to believe God likes youMy Profile

    • I just love that, Jennifer! Yes, this is not a journey we can take completely by ourselves, and is only possible through His grace. Glad you were encouraged and that we are on the GSD team, all helping one another!

  5. Your word from last year grabbed my heart. Follow. It is a needful reminder that I am not in the lead. Thank you, Kim!

    • Oh, Kim, you made me laugh. I have been too independent in my past, too stubborn to step aside and follow. My mom said one of my favorite phrases growing up was “Self! Self!” I am touched by your words-thanks for sharing!

  6. I have my word too and it’s great knowing that despite the differences in our words for the year, there is much comfort knowing people are doing and trying as much as we are :)

  7. Lynn Morrissey says:

    Hi Kim
    You commented about my journaling post at Michael Hyatt’s blog. You are a wonderful author! I really enjoyed reading your post, and am glad you are committing to your dreams–God-sized! Will you be attending the Jumping Tandem dream conference in Nebraska in April? My word for this year (I have been doing this for a while and call it my yearly theme) is vision. I am asking God for heartsight (insight) to understand why I do some of the things that I do (that I don’t want to do!), and for Him to give me a new vision for my journaling and writing ministry. God bless you as you commit to Him unconditionally!

    • Welcome to my joyful corner of the universe, Lynn! Thank you so much for your sweet words-they mean a great deal to me. I won’t be attending the Jumping Tandem conference. However, I am blessed to be a part of Holley Gerth’s God-sized Dream Team. She will be speaking at the conference, and I have no doubt it will be amazing! Your word and description of the story behind it are so interesting. I have no doubt you will reach the end of 2013 with lots of insight and possibilities for action! Blessings back to you as well, Lynn. I encourage you to take a peek at what all of us are doing with Holley. You can find the story here:

      • Lynn Morrissey says:

        How lovely that you know Holly, Kim, and are a part of her team. I realized she would be there, and have just subscribed to her blog. I actually met her through a mutual friend/auithor/editor at ICRS when it came to St. Louis in 2010. She was a Dayspring rep at that convention. Lovely lady. I’m sorry that I won’t get to meet you in Nebraska. But you don’t have to be there to dream! Thank you for your enthusiastic reply. YOur passion exudes with every word!

  8. “Commit” is a great word, and I am so encouraged to see how you grew as you “followed” Him last year. My word this year is “Trust” and I still need to post about it. Hugs to you, Kim,, and I am so happy to see how you are continuing to follow Him this year :)
    Dolly recently posted…When the Light shines into the darkness of our hidden years…My Profile

    • Hi Dolly! So nice to see you. I have no doubt Trust will prove to be a great word for you this year, and I look forward to reading your take on it. Thanks for the kind words, and hugs back to you!


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